One Month With a Newborn – What You Need (Things We Actually Used) – New Parent Checklist

As our sweet baby boy Benjimin came up on his one-month birthday, I started writing this blog post reflecting on how quickly the first few weeks with him flew by, and what a rollercoaster of emotions it was. But then life got away from me and I am now re-visiting this blog post as Benjimin turns seven months old. 😅 Which I suppose is probably an accurate representation of early parenthood—time flies and it’s harder to finish tasks lol so this is where we’re at. 

Looking back on our first few months as parents, I would say the first few days were definitely the hardest (and most sleep-deprived). But everything after that felt much, much better, and I’ve been really happy with how Benjimin has fit into our lives and lifestyles. 

It is true what they say, every smile, every burp, every arm stretch, every finger grasp, every tummy time, every gaze, every giggle—just makes you feel so darn good. 

That is not to say there haven’t been tough moments and tough days, and a lot of feelings and emotions. Admittedly, life with a newborn can feel repetitive, especially those first few weeks—even now as we enter seven months. It’s pretty much eat, sleep, poop, repeat (in the beginning), and then later, add different activities to help with development and reaching milestones. Tummy time here, sitting up there, socializing here, books and games there. Thankfully the older they get the more activity breaks involve going out and about for errands and lunches and such more regularly (which was very important for me and my mental health, personally), but it’s still definitely a total shift in your life when you now operate by wake windows and naps and baby activities and repeat. 

I had been feeling restless / cooped up for the first couple of weeks as a new mom with a newborn (especially as someone who is often doing something outside of the house), but after the first month (well—after two weeks!) we got into a good groove and routine.

As we reach seven months, we are out and about pretty regularly with baby—every other day practically, sometimes every day (though I try not to do it every day so that he can have some days for full proper nap times / down time at home). This had all been much to my mother’s dismay lol—she had hoped we would follow the Vietnamese tradition of staying indoors for the first month of having a newborn, but we did definitely didn’t do that lol.

As new parents we were fortunate enough to receive some great and functional gifts at our Baby Shower prior to baby’s arrival too, including newborn essentials like diapers and wipes, etc. We also got a lot of hand-me-down clothes which was incredible. And we also bought a lot of stuff ourselves (you just get so excited as new parents.. lol and also aren’t sure what you’re going to need?!) When I started writing this post, I had meant to write it from the perspective of—hey, one month under our belts, we have a pretty good sense now of what new parents actually use in those first few weeks with baby…

I wanted to share our “New Parent Checklist” with ‘stuff’ we found helpful for us, that would be helpful for new-parents-to-be! 

Since I’m completing this post at the seven-month mark now, I think I have an even better grasp of what you *really* need with baby—especially after we spent a few weeks doing road trips with baby, even flying with him at six months too. While I do share recommendations for specific products under the categories, I acknowledge some price points are certainly higher and we also got many items as gifts / put on our baby registry—so the exact thing we got may not be the cheapest and / or the most necessary for you but the ‘thing’ itself is what I’d recommend.

If you’re creating a Baby Registry, we’d recommend the items listed below. I also link to some of the items we used on my Amazon Shop (I get some commission if you shop from it), and I’ve also linked some local Edmonton-based baby / kid stores with discount codes if you’d also want to go in and browse (and support local). You’ve got some options! Honestly, that’s one thing about parenthood these days, while it’s hard in many ways, it’s also never been easier with not only the amount of information and advice you can access at the tip of your finger but also with the amount of *stuff* you could get that can make things easier for you. 

I also wanted to link to a Google document compiling recommendations for newborn/baby products that so many of you shared with me back in November 2022 when I put out a call asking for this information before Benjimin was born.

Read crowdsourced recommendations from my followers on what to buy to prepare for a newborn

Browse my Amazon Baby Items Shop

Check out these Edmonton-based baby businesses / discounts:

PreggoBox is an Edmonton-based pregnancy subscription / curated gift box business that is perfect for expecting and new mothers, with items locally sourced and tailored to each trimester

Use code LINDORK15 for 15% off PreggoBox. They also do free shipping across Canada + US.


Princess and the Pea is an Edmonton-based baby and kids store selling everything from clothes to accessories, toys, arts and crafts, mealtime and skin time essentials and more. They ship across North America!

Use code LINDA15 for 15% off at Princess and the Pea (excludes Jellycat and Canada Goose). Valid on first-time orders only.


Folk & Whimsy is a local woman-owned, family boutique offering products that cover pregnancy to early childhood, has created a promo code for newsletter subscribers! The store is a place where all families are welcome. Find items to help with body care, breastfeeding, books, toys, school lunch items and more!

Use LINDORK15 for 15% off regular priced items (excluding Padraig Cottage slippers). 


Paula Gerein is an Edmonton-based photographer who specializes in Documentary Family Photography. I describe it a a very special, candid, photojournalism style. 

Get 10% off a photo session with Paula by mentioning code LINDORK.


You may also be interested in this related blog post:

I intially wrote that post closer to when Benjimin was coming up on six months old but with being behind on everything, posted both this and that at the same time lol.

There is some overlap re: product-related advice but it also talks about more parenting / lifestyle preference / advice type of stuff (plus, more cute photos of Benjimin!)

AND I wanted to also acknowledge for those who may be new to our story, our Miracle Baby Benjimin actually came as a surprise to us after nearly a decade of trying to conceive but not being able to due to Unexplained Infertility. I remember during our struggles I always thought it would be helpful to know whether parents who were posting parent / family things had struggled or if it came easy to them and so I am making a point not to erase the fact that this was a very long and hard journey for us to get our baby and that while it happening for us surprisingly doesn’t mean that that’s how it will happen for others who may struggle with infertility, it still may offer some comfort and hope. 

Okay, with that preamble done, here is: 

One Month With A Newborn –
What You Need (Things We Actually Used) –
New Parent Checklist

Note: this list is entirely based off our particular experience and maybe it’s not going to be exactly the the same, as useful, or possible for all parents and their newborn needs. 

Newborn / New Parent Checklist 

Listed in alphabetical order at glance below with more details about different items including how often we used them and why we used the items in the section below that!

  • Bassinet with mattress
  • Bibs
  • Books
  • Bottles (feeding / milk storage)
  • Breast Pump (electric, double hands-free, ideally) 
  • Car seat 
  • Carrier
  • Clothes 
  • Comfy chair
  • Crib with mattress
  • Diapers
  • Diaper genie (garbage/disposal) 
  • Formula
  • Laundry detergent (expect to do lots of loads of laundry)
  • Mini milk fridge (where we store milk in the nursery overnight)
  • Mittens / toques
  • Nail trimmer
  • Nipple cream
  • Nursing pillow
  • Pumping / storage bottles
  • Ready-to-eat / heat meals / frozen meals
  • Receiving blankets
  • Soother / pacifiers
  • Stroller
  • Swaddles 
  • Tummy Time Mat / Pillow 
  • Vaseline (jar or tubes of it)
  • Wipes (a lot of wipes) 
  • Wrap
I thought it would be useful to share what we found useful as new parents!
Baby Formula

Regardless of what your feeding plan is whether exclusively breastfeeding, pumping, mix or entirely formula, I highly recommend you have some back-up formula ready to go in those first few days with baby. 

Benjimin had a bit of Jaundice when he was born and he wasn’t drinking enough of my breastmilk to clear it, but once we supplemented a bit with baby formula it cleared up and we avoided having to go back to the hospital to get him treated.

For his first six months we gave him primarily breastmilk (pumped in bottles), still supplemented with formula depending on the day / week. My milk production did fluctuate and / or Ben’s appetite grow (spurts!) so no shame about using formula ever! 

I have a friend who switched to formula-only early on because she was having a lot of trouble with breastfeeding/pumping and it was super stressful and new parents will learn / hear this a lot—that your mental health is critical too so if supplementing with formula or switching to formula entirely is going to alleviate some of our stress—DO IT. “Fed is Best!”

It is also worth noting that there is apparently always a formula shortage!! It’s SO stressful. So even before baby is born if you can shop around / compare pricing / stock up on some formula just to have it in the house it will really help reduce your stress. 

Products we use: 
Product Highlights:
  • The Ready to Feed bottles were very handy in the first few days / weeks when we were really just figuring out how to be parents and powder formula seemed daunting, but is super expensive to sustain / use all the time (and also has a less than cute smell).
  • The instant powder formula is a lot easier and economical to use / for us, to help supplement. It’s also really to use / portion. It’s very convenient! 
Remember: Fed is Best!
Perks of formula: both parents can feed!
Baby Swaddles / Receiving Blankets / Soothers / Pacifiers 

In those early newborn days, baby is pretty much just wrapped up so swaddles/blankets are handy. Depending on when you give birth (ours was leading in to warmer months of spring/summer), we really didn’t feel the need to dress him in too much clothes in those first few weeks (my mom was always telling me we needed to put clothes on Benjimin lol). Receiving blankets are also apparently called receiving blankets because they are used to receive baby spit-up / throw-up. lol. We were pretty lucky we didn’t deal with too much spit-up in the early days but once he started drinking more milk and we were moving him around a bit more sometimes we had some unfortunate spit-ups lol. Blankets can help! We also used soothers / pacifiers pretty early on as a way to calm him (“soothe” him!) and help him fall asleep and it was honestly so great. He is able to fall asleep on his own too (that’s one of the common worries about babies using soothers), just stay on top of when you’re giving it to your baby! 

Products we use: 
Product Highlights:
  • We love the Love to Dream Swaddle Up and Halo Sleepsack Swaddle! I never really mastered swaddling correctly but it was so much easier with these pre-wrapped swaddles. 
  • We got the Tommee Tippee “Closer to Nature” soothers as a gift and absolutely loved them. They are shaped to represent a breast/nipple more and I think it really worked with Benjimin! Once he got a little older we also added Philips Avent Pacifiers which work well too. We are a Philips Avent family. lol 
Remember: Fed is Best!
Perks of formula: both parents can feed!
Bassinet and Crib with Mattresses / Sheets / Rocker / Playpen / Nursery 

I’ve learned that all babies have different sleeping preferences. One of our friends’ newborns would not sleep in a bassinet. Another friend’s newborn would not sleep in a crib. No rhyme or reason, really (that’s a new parent thing to expect as well, lol). 

Benjimin slept in a bassinet in our room for his first month and then once he got too long for the bassinet we moved him over to his crib in his nursery (where I sleep too, in that super comfortable reclining chair, to ensure there’s a parent nearby at all times). We got a bassinet as an UPPAbaby stroller combination but we also got a hand-me-down bassinet from a friend! We did actually find the BassiNest didn’t last long for Benjimin, and he preferred bassinet on bed before we switched to crib. 

We also had a travel bassinet we used for our family getaways, and I’m also including a baby rocker in this section because Benjimin also loved chilling out in his rocker too. 

And Mike’s parents gave us a playpen that was really great for the living room as well. It’s really hard so not meant for sleeping overnight but we did take some naps in it and it was mostly just really handy because it had a change table attachment. 

Before his arrival, we also spent some time lovingly transforming a random room in the house into his nursery (Pokemon-themed!) I honestly think it’s the nicest room in the house. Investing in a special room (or section / area of a room) for baby if you can, does pay off. The ability to feel comfortable and enjoy where you’re spending a lot of time with baby makes a difference. 

Products we use: 
Product Highlights:
  • Maxi Cosi Rocker – cute and comfy. Travel Bassinet – loved that it worked on our bed and folded up so nice. UPPAbaby Bassinet – slick and was good for travelling too (attaches to stroller). Halo BassiNest was nice for its swivel motion but very heavy lol. Pebble Water Resistant Dream Sheet is so nice! The bump design also aids in airflow / breathability. Playpen – technically portable but we kept it in our living room for a long time and loved the change table attachment. It also came with a little detachable mobile that we could switch to attach to the rocker too! Benjimin loved it. 
Benjimin in his bassinet / stroller attachment.
Benjimin loved his Maxi Cosi Rocker.
We love our (used) crib and this Dream Sheet on the mattress!

Take it from us—we didn’t really use bibs consistently in Benjimin’s first few months and we had major regrets. The milk drips. The drool flows once he starts teething. Add summer heat and you’ve got perfect conditions for a baby rash under the chin and around the neck.

Just do yourself a favour and avoid this headache altogether by putting something under baby’s chin to catch any liquids before they pool around the folds of his neck and chest! 

Take the extra second to put the bib on lol trust me.
Bibs are cute but also functional!

Although newborns really can’t see that well in those early days, it was important for us to read to Benjimin from the very beginning. I hope to post about his book/baby library soon in another blog but for this post wanted to say that you’ll likely incorporate baby books into your daily activities. There are lots of fun texture / pop-up / mirror ones, and also some high contrast flash cards that are great for newborns as well. 

There's so many great books out there!!
We love reading to Benjimin!
Breast Pump / Milk Bottles / Storage Bottles / Freezer Bags / Nipple Cream

Whether you’re planning to breastfeed exclusively, pump exclusively, formula exclusively, or a mix of the different milking options, it would be a good idea to have a breast pump on hand.

I breastfed and supplemented wth formula for the first week, breastfed exclusively for the second week, and started pumping early on (in the first few days) as we wanted Mike to be able to feed Benjimin with the bottle. By the third week I think I was breast pumping to bottle almost exclusively. Everyone’s milk journey is different but it’s never a bad idea to be able to pump to bottle to let other people feed baby so it gives mom a bit more flexibility, and it’s good to get into the habit of pumping early/excess milk to freeze for those days where baby will need more milk than you can supply (growth spurts, it happens lol), or if again mom won’t be around for whatever reason (for me, it’s being away due to travel-related work).

We got a second-hand Medela double electric breast pump from my sister-in-law and were so grateful (because they are very expensive… but honestly, so worth it considering I used it basically 8-12 times a day). We got daily use out of it for the first three and a half months before it stopped working without being plugged in—I don’t fault it, it had already been a few years old by the time we got it second-hand. We ended up buying the newer Medela Freestyle double electric pump to replace it (also very expensive, but again we thought worth it since I was pumping exclusively at that point and technically our first pump had been a gift). 

Add a pumping bra to the list and then you can be totally hands-free while you pump! It really makes a huge difference. I did try a manual hand pump and wow is it ever hard (I have such weak arm / hand strength lol) but also just that time it takes is so inconvenient. The newer Medela Freestyle also had a USB-C charger so charged up really fast and wherever at our house or in the vehicle. 

Even if you’re not going into it thinking you’ll be pumping or you are dead set on breastfeeding, you just never know what will happen—so having milk bottles and pump storage/freezer bags on hand is just a good safety net to prepare for. 

One thing I want to suggest to new parents if you are pumping is that you should try to get your baby drinking milk straight from fridge (cold) without needing to warm up! 

Babies are totally allowed + it’s safe to give them cold breastmilk, it just depends on baby temperament and giving it or trying to give it early on as to whether they’ll be flexible with milk temperatures. We are so lucky Benjimin is so chill. We never had to warm a bottle for him!

Also I am adding Nipple Cream in this section because it’s all related. If your baby is like Benjimin (who didn’t latch on properly initially), then your nipples will get so raw and cracked and be so painful that you will dread breastfeeding. Nipple cream can really help. I didn’t even know it was a thing until a few days after birth and while a few days doesn’t sound like much time, it was enough time to make me hate breastfeeding and not want Benjimin basically cutting me to eat lol.

Products we use: 
Product Highlights:
  • Super convenient, great for an on-the-go mom, pump is easy to clean and quiet. 
  • I am very pro breastpumping to bottle as well so that Mike + others can feed Ben too!
  • Nipple cream so that you don’t dread breastfeeding (helps keep nipples uncracked). 
The milk journey is a rollercoaster.
Milk production fluctuated quite a bit after three months.
Baby Mittens / Nail Trimmer / Toques 

Again it would depend perhaps on what time of year your baby is born as to how much warm weather type of stuff you need for your baby, but we did find we needed to put baby mittens on Benjimin more to stop him from scratching his own face rather than to keep warm lol.

Bring baby nail trimmers in our hospital bag as your baby might come out with sharp nails!! So if you don’t have mittens then you may want to use the nail trimmer. It’s not a clipper so you don’t have to worry about cutting anything or cutting too close it kind of just vibrates to shave down the nail a bit, lol. Our nurse seemed shocked we didn’t come with a nail trimmer or mitts. We had no idea (and I feel like it felt weird that the hospital didn’t have a nail trimmer or mitts??) 

Toques were just for keeping his head warm, depending again on weather when baby is born. I could add in things like different types of onesies but that really comes later—newborn phase is a whole lot of diapers / swaddles (at least for us lol). 

Products we use: 
Product Highlights:
  • Helpful to ensure that baby doesn’t scratch his face, which he did end up doing a lot lol those baby nails grow fast! But also something we learned is that the scratches heal really fast because the nails actually aren’t sharp so there is a super low risk of scarring. It still doesn’t look great though so—get the nail trimmer + mittens!
Car seat / stroller / wrap / carriers

You DO need a car seat in order to leave the hospital with newborn baby (we remember thinking the straps were on SO tight but the nurses reviewing our work kept telling us to go tighter lol, apparently this is a common new parent thing).

We got an UPPAbaby car seat / stroller / bassinet combo as one of our baby splurges (but saved money by buying it during Black Friday deals). We found we used a mix of car seat and bassinet in the stroller, as well as wraps and carriers, just depending on what the activity was.

I had read pre-baby that you may not need a stroller right away because where are you going to take baby but that really depends on you and your lifestyle. Carrying car seat around works for a bit but is extremely heavy / I find hard to lift.

We were out and about after two weeks so wraps and carriers made a lot of sense in the early days and for early walks around the neighbourhood we initially did stroller, but now use a carrier. On our hiking adventures we opt for carrier (namely because strollers aren’t great on rugged-ish hiking terrain lol). Again it all depends! 

You can certainly just get away with car seat for the first month with newborn or longer, or at least car seat + a wrap but if you can find a combo deal with the car seat, stroller, bassinet, do it!

Products we use: 
Product Highlights:
  • UPPAbaby is a super high quality brand! Sturdy stroller. Folds up nicely. Cool that you can attach the car seat, stroller seat and bassinet seat. Baby Bjorn is a leader in baby carriers for a reason! Sturdy, multiple carrying positions. Beluga Baby—love that they’re Canadian, love their wrap colours, super soft!
We love baby wearing + carrying!
Baby wearing is so convenient!
Comfortable Chair 

I literally can’t stress this enough! I absolutely LOVE hanging out in our nursery because we bought a super comfortable La-Z-Boy reclining chair to use in there. I spent every night in that nursery and sometimes I’m fully reclined back so the chair is basically a bed. We also had a very uncomfortable chair in the nursery the first few days and it literally broke our butts and backs lol. If you are thinking of an item to spring for, the comfortable chair is a really useful one. 

We also chose La-Z-Boy instead of a baby/nursery specific chair so that we can reuse the chair once it leaves the nursery! 

Products we use: 
Product Highlights:
  • Super comfortable for sitting long periods and sleeping in. Looks good too so we will reuse it in the living room or basement when it’s done in the nursery.
The comfiest nursery chair makes a huge difference!
Lots of cuddles in this chair.
Diapers & Diaper Genie

This is pretty self explanatory! My tip however is not to get TOO many newborn diapers right off the bat as your baby might be really big or grow out of the diapers very fast. We probably have 100 diapers just sitting unused because Benjimin grew out of that first newborn size too quickly.

We used Huggies, Pampers and Costco brand diapers and I would say Pampers is probably my favourite as it felt the most comfortable on Benjimin but we ended up doing Costco due to size / cost / convenience. Every parent has a different preference for diapers it feels—and every baby is also a little different so fit may vary. We also have friends who went with cloth / reusable diapers so that may be something you’re interested in doing but we didn’t feel like it was for us.

If you don’t get a Diaper Genie—just ensuring you have some kind of diaper/waste disposal system. The Diaper Genie is popular because it’s pretty compact and it blocks any bad smells! 

Products we use: 
Product Highlights:
  • Costco diapers – good quantity + product for price
  • Diaper Genie – fairly compact, quick to change out the bags, masks stinky diaper smell!
Laundry detergent 

The jist of this is, it felt like we did a ton of laundry in those first few days / weeks with baby. To be honest even at the seven month mark, it feels like we are always doing laundry lol. So like, get used to it lol. For us it was mostly spit-up. Depending on the baby, you may be dealing with diaper accidents. We are really lucky since he was born, Benjimin has had only two diaper blowouts (when the stuff escapes the diaper), but we are told that’s unusual so you’re better off preparing mentally for messes to come. I don’t know it feels weird listing a laundry detergent product but we use Tide Pods. lol. There are baby specific ones and I think depending on baby, you may require different ones because the detergent may affect baby in different ways but we didn’t find Benjimin had any issues with our regular detergent. 

They're cute but they sure can get messy lol.
The clothes are cute but they get dirty quick.
Mini Milk Fridge

Depending on the layout of your home / your nursery / your room, you may find yourself far from your kitchen fridge during overnight feedings. We ended up getting a mini fridge to store milk / in between feedings basically on Day 3 because it was extremely inconvenient going up and down the stairs to put milk in the kitchen fridge only to have to take it back out, especially when baby was cluster feeding (like constantly wanting to eat throughout the night). 

Product we use: 
Product Highlights:
  • Able to switch to cooling or warming modes (we just use cooling mode)
  • Fits several milk bottles
  • Saves you a trip to the kitchen overnight 
Love this handy mini fridge!
It keeps milk cold and in close reach overnight!
Nursing Pillow

The nursing pillow can serve a few different functions! It’s a great arm rest for you / baby while you’re breastfeeding or feeding by bottle, and eventually baby can also be placed or perched in the pillow too. It is useful for tummy time as well. But if you don’t have one, it’s not the end of the world. The main problem it addresses (comfort while feeding) can still be solved with clumped up blankets or existing pillows you may have. We got two nursing pillows gifted to us!

Products we use: 
Product Highlights:
  • Aids in your comfort while feeding!
  • Handy for keeping baby in place when you need to do something lol. 
Nursing pillows are handy!
Comfy for baby, comfy for parents!
Ready-to-eat / heat meals / frozen meals

We were sooo grateful to friends and family (particularly my mom!) for dropping off so many frozen / ready-to-eat meals for us during our first few weeks with baby. A support system in general, if you have it, is so helpful in those early newborn days and particularly in the form of food / sustenance. Not having to think about what we were going to eat next, or taking time out of the day to cook up something up while managing newborn life can make such a difference. If it’s not friends or family who are going to be giving you some of these things, you as parents-to-be should definitely try to do some food / freezer prep yourselves before baby comes. 

Tummy Time / Play Mat / Pillow

As I mentioned, new baby life can be a bit repetitive. When baby isn’t eating or sleeping, baby needs activities! Tummy time. Play mats. 

Products we use: 
Product Highlights:
  • Fun music, lights, mirrors, toy attachments (the songs will get stuck in your head, it’s like a parent right of passage lol). The Play Mat also is usable / adjusts at various ages!

We give Benjimin’s butt a little massage with vaseline after each diaper change to keep the bottoms soft but also help make any poop a little easier to wipe off. If you have a baby boy and get them circumcised, you’ll also be asked to stock up on tubes of Vaseline so you can use it to apply with gauze pads during the recovery week. And in general, I use vaseline for moisturizing my lips so we are generally a vaseline family lol. We also have baby lotion we use for him and found that also helped with the rash he got under his chin since we were slacking on using bibs lol. 

Wipes (a lot of wipes!)

We never used wet wipes in life in general before but since having a baby we use them SO much—and frankly we don’t go anywhere without it. Where diapers I caution you on getting too much of one size, you really can never go wrong with too many wipes lol. 

Similar to diapers, we tried Huggies, Pampers and Costco brand wipes and I like Pampers the most I think, however we end up using Costco brand now just due to it being more economical for the amount of wipes you get (and it is good moisture too). 

Products we use: 
Product Highlights:
  • Good quantity + quality + price. 
I thought it would be useful to share what we found useful as new parents!

So that’s our New Parent “Stuff” Checklist! 

Again, a reminder that this list is entirely based off our particular experience and maybe it’s not going to be exactly the same, as useful, or possible for all parents and their newborn needs but hopefully it gives you some ideas.

I also wanted to link to a Google document compiling recommendations for newborn/baby products that so many of you shared with me back in November 2022 when I put out a call asking for this information before Benjimin was born.

Read crowdsourced recommendations from my followers on what to buy to prepare for a newborn

Browse my Amazon Baby Items Shop

Check out these Edmonton-based baby businesses / discounts:

PreggoBox is an Edmonton-based pregnancy subscription / curated gift box business that is perfect for expecting and new mothers, with items locally sourced and tailored to each trimester

Use code LINDORK15 for 15% off PreggoBox. They also do free shipping across Canada + US.


Princess and the Pea is an Edmonton-based baby and kids store selling everything from clothes to accessories, toys, arts and crafts, mealtime and skin time essentials and more. They ship across North America!

Use code LINDA15 for 15% off at Princess and the Pea (excludes Jellycat and Canada Goose). Valid on first-time orders only.


Folk & Whimsy is a local woman-owned, family boutique offering products that cover pregnancy to early childhood, has created a promo code for newsletter subscribers! The store is a place where all families are welcome. Find items to help with body care, breastfeeding, books, toys, school lunch items and more!

Use LINDORK15 for 15% off regular priced items (excluding Padraig Cottage slippers). 


Paula Gerein is an Edmonton-based photographer who specializes in Documentary Family Photography. I describe it a a very special, candid, photojournalism style. 

Get 10% off a photo session with Paula by mentioning code LINDORK.


And don’t forget to read my other new parent blog post: 

10 Pieces of Advice for New Parents from New Parents (us!)


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(You’ll get the option to select free or paid after you enter your email). 


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