Don't Call Me a Guru Podcast
Check out old episodes of a monthly social media strategy podcast I produced from 2016-2021 called Don’t Call Me a Guru!
Don’t Call Me a Guru was a monthly podcast about social media strategy, from a social media strategist, featuring social media people. The podcast originally started October 2016 with two co-hosts, Tyler Jack Butler and Linda Hoang, and from November 2018 to June 2021, shifted to a single host (Linda), who interviews other social media strategists and community managers.
The podcast is currently on an indefinite hiatus. You can take a listen to previous podcast episodes below, and/or subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Android, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts!
(Don’t Call Me a Guru RSS Feed)
Podcast Credits:
- Linda Hoang (@lindork) – host and producer of the Don’t Call Me a Guru podcast
- Doug Hoyer (@doughoyer, DougHoyer.Bandcamp.com) – created the Don’t Call Me a Guru music
- Rory Lee (@rorzle, RoryLeeDesign.com) – designer of the Don’t Call Me a Guru logo
- Tyler Jack Butler (@tylerjackbutler) – original co-founder of the Don’t Call Me a Guru podcast
Don’t Call Me a Guru is a member of the Alberta Podcast Network. Locally grown. Community supported.
Podcast Episodes:
Episode 44
In Episode 44 of Don’t Call Me A Guru, Linda is joined by former co-host (still co-host? occasional co-host?) Tyler Jack Butler for a Social Conversation on a range of topics, including features we don’t like about Instagram and Facebook Ads, the role of social media strategists, and many reasons why we LOVE TikTok (plus insights for organizations considering using the platform).
Released: June 2021
Episode 41

In Episode 41 of Don’t Call Me A Guru, former podcast co-host and co-founder Tyler Jack Butler makes his triumphant return! Plus: Tyler and Linda discuss some social media trends and strategies for 2021 as is usually the case for a January episode.
Released: January 2021
Episode 40

In Episode 40 of Don’t Call Me A Guru, host Linda Hoang chats with amiskwaciwâskahikan (Treaty 6, Edmonton, Alberta)-based artist AJA Louden who shares his approach to using social media as an artist—benefits, challenges, considerations around Instagram’s effect on art, providing value online, an exciting local project called Paint the Rails and more!
Released: December 2020
Episode 39

In Episode 39 of Don’t Call Me A Guru, host Linda Hoang chats Mike and Mitzi Payne of Alberta creative agency Arcade, about their work managing social media for the global brand Some Good News (SGN) starring actor John Krasinski. The duo share their approach and lessons learned working on SGN social media, plus advice for those doing social for organizations that may not be as obviously fun. 😉
Released: November 2020
Episode 38

In Episode 38 of Don’t Call Me A Guru, host Linda Hoang chats with Leopold McGinnis and Stephanie Usher of the Alberta Medical Association (AMA) about the association’s approach to social media, how it has used social media to communicate to the public and support its members during contract negotiations with the province, successes, challenges, lessons learned, how the AMA used TikTok, and advice to share for other social media managers.
Released: October 2020
Episode 37

In Episode 37 of Don’t Call Me A Guru, host Linda Hoang explores how social media has helped / is being used by local businesses during the pandemic, with guests Steve Brochu, owner/chef of Milk Crate Edmonton, Stephanie Ould, social media manager of the Edmonton Downtown Farmers’ Market, and Ellie Huang, who has been helping Chinatown restaurants get up and active on social media.
Released: May 2020
Episode 36

In Ep. 36, Linda chats virtually (as is the new normal) with popular Canadian comedian Lars Callieou who shares his approach to using social media to build his online brand and business as a stand-up comic, engaging community, growing your network, and staying positive online.
Released: April 2020
Episode 35

In Ep. 35, Linda is joined by former co-host and co-founder Tyler Jack Butler, along with a cast of characters in a special iMEDIA Call-In Extravaganza featuring digital and social marketing tips from experts who would have spoken at the 2020 iMEDIA Conference had it not been postponed due to COVID-19.
Released: March 2020
Episode 33

In Ep. 33, Linda chats with Holly Baker (@inthefunlane) and Christina Dennis (@theDIYmommy), who have both built their brands and careers using social media (particularly in the design industry).
Released: January 2020
Episode 32

In Ep. 32, Linda is joined by farmer Ash Armstrong of Armstrong Acres (via Skype), and Alberta Open Farm Days marketing coordinator Nicola Doherty (in studio) to discuss social media strategies and tactics in the farming and agriculture industry—with takeaways that apply for social media managers in all industries!
Released: November 2019
Episode 31

In Ep. 31, Linda is joined by political experts Dave Cournoyer and Katherine O’Neill who help analyze social media strategies and tactics in the 2019 Federal Election, social media in politics as a whole, and sharing general social media insights and advice that can be applied in all industries.
Released: October 2019
Episode 29

In Ep. 28, Megan Dart, Communications Specialist with the Edmonton Fringe Theatre, comes on the podcast to share insights on what goes into managing content creation for the largest and longest-running Fringe Festival in North America!
Released: July 2019
Episode 28

Episode 27

In Ep. 27, Tourism Calgary’s Manager of Content Marketing, Kyle Russell comes on the podcast to discuss how the popular tourism board develops its own content, works with individuals and influencers to create user-generated content, tips for social, digital and content teams big and small, and more!
Released: May 2019
Episode 26

In Ep. 26, guest Kath Oltsher with Zoe’s Animal Rescue shares the rescue’s experience using social media, tips for other rescues, how to deal with negative comments, staying on ‘brand’/’on message’, and more!
Released: May 2019
Episode 25

In Ep. 25, guest Paula Simons joins Linda to share insights about using social media in journalism and politics and how her experience can be applied to your work.
Released: April 2019
Episode 24

In Ep. 24, guest Brittney Le Blanc joins Linda to discuss using social media to build personal brand and community, influencer marketing and more.
Released: March 2019
Episode 23

In Ep. 23, former co-host Tyler Jack Butler returns to chat strategies and lessons learned from the March 2019 iMEDIA social media / digital marketing conference.
Released: March 2019
Episode 22

In Ep. 22, photographer Tracey Jazmin shares Instagram insights and discusses branding / lifestyle photography, a service an increasing number of influencers are requesting.
Released: January 2019
Episode 21 * N/A

This episode is unavailable.
Episode 20

In Ep. 20, learn about the social media strategy and execution leading up to and during the opening of the #newRAM—Royal Alberta Museum—western Canada’s newest and largest museum.
Released: November 2018
Episode 11

In Ep .11, Linda and Tyler sit down with Ryan Frankson, Director of Social Media with the Edmonton Oilers, to discuss what it’s like to plan and execute social media for an NHL hockey team.
Released: September 2017
Episode 8

In Ep. 8, Linda and Tyler chat about managing social media use and the role social media marketers play in the rise in social media addiction with Deepika Mittra, a therapist, stress expert and self-care advocate.
Released: May 2017
Episode 3

In Ep. 3, Linda and Tyler talk year-end social media highlights and upcoming trends. We also chat with leading, local political blogger Dave Cournoyer of daveberta.ca about a range of social media and politics topics.
Released: January 2017
Episode 2

In Ep. 2, Linda and Tyler discuss social media in the non-profit sector with Devin Komarniski, Marketing and Communications Manager at the Bissell Centre.
Released: December 2016