Welcome to Thursday, June 16 2011’s Clicks of the Day!
- Facebook user becomes infamous claiming role in riot
- Did lunar eclipse help Boston Bruins win ice hockey’s Stanley Cup finals?
- What Tumblr’s Success Means For The Future Of Blogs, Twitter
- After a Loss in Vancouver, Troubling Signals of Citizen Surveillance
- 7 Beer-Related Gifts for Father’s Day
- Man caught urinating in Mount Tabor reservoir prompts Portland to shift water supply
- Last week, the world spent 10.7 million hours playing with Les Paul’s doodle
- Green Lantern Savaged As ‘Pointless’ By Critics
- Nintendo says Wii U won’t play DVDs or Blue-ray discs
- Our deadly anorexia pact
- Exploring Data Visualization With Two Years’ Worth of Food
- Amorous protestors, lost in the heat of Vancouver riots (Most Famous Photo of the Vancouver Riots)
- BioWare hacked, 18,000 Neverwinter Nights forums accounts stolen
- J.K. Rowling Announces
- IBM Turns 100, Some Perspective
- Rep. Anthony Weiner resigns in sexting scandal’s 3rd week
- Big Picture-Style Vancouver Canucks Fans Riot Photos
- Air Canada and union reach tentative deal
- The 75 best obnoxious responses to misspellings on Facebook
- Telescope finds black holes in ‘early universe’
Idiooooot. Both for rioting, and for bragging about rioting on a public space. Idiot.
Funny coincidence? ;)
Tumblr R0x.
My dad does love his beer! But I’m going to be getting him a men’s facial grooming kit :D
No shortage of idiots today!
It was a very fun doodle!
I didn’t think it looked too great based on commercials, Mike’s really looking forward to it. Critics seem to be a bit harsh but we’ll likely judge for ourselves!
Good decision, or not?
Disgusting. Ugh.
I like documenting my food sometimes in my food journal but this is a bit excessive! Lol. Cool though.
What an amazing shot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A new day, a new company hacked. So sad.
Excited for this announcement!!! Apparently the Harry Potter Encyclopedia? Love the custom-designed YouTube page.
Happy birthday, IBM!
It’s crazy how unclassy the hecklers are. But, yeah he definitely needed to resign.
I love the Boston Big Picture website. They don’t have anything on the riots up (yet) but this “totally cool pix” page for it is pretty Big Picture-esque. Insane photos.
That’s good but I care more about Canada Post reaching a deal! My mama needs her bills paid!! #SnailMail
Lol, absolutely hilarious!
So. Cool.
Thor Photo of the Day:
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