Welcome to Thursday, July 21 2011’s Clicks of the Day!
- Birth Control Should Be Free
- Facebook is getting into the news business
- Kim Kardashian sues Old Navy over starring Canadian ‘lookalike’ in ads
- Hello Kitty Taoyuan Airport Themed Terminal Gate In Taipei, Taiwan
- Ghana’s wsetern regional minister orders all gays arrested
- Anonymous claims it hacked NATO Web site
- 40-foot Sinkhole Opens Up Under Woman’s Bed
- Fake Apple Store is so believable, even the employees think they work for Apple
- Keeping the peace with the bar-strip lollipop
- Today’s Big Thing: Blob Jump World Record
- Monkey lover takes her troop of macaques everywhere
- [Photo]: The diver who nearly got swallowed by a whale shark
- Crime rate fell again in 2010, at lowest level since 1973: StatsCan
- Remembering media icon Marshal McLuhan
- Can High Heels Trigger Migraines?
- OS X Lion breaks Adobe products including Photoshop, Flash
- Six Biological Engineering Experiments That Could Save The World
Seems logical!
That’s interesting.
This chick TOTALLY looks like Kim! I did a double take when I saw the commercial originally too – I knew it wasn’t her but I knew that the “Kim Kardashian” look was what they appeared to be going for, lol.
“A little bit of WTF and a whole lot of cute awaits at Taoyuan Airport Terminal waiting area C3.” LOL, great caption.
If it’s not LulzSec it’s Anonymous. Will the hacking ever end?
Wow, scary!
Lol how funny. At least the store wasn’t selling Apple knockoffs.
What an interesting idea! I’m not much of a candy person (or a bar, late-night partying person) so I probably would decline a lollipop offer, but it’s a pretty interesting idea… giving drunk people candy at night to decrease chances of street fights and other bad behaviour.
This looks SO fun!
Lol. She may be nuts but I’d love to take Thor with me everywhere…
Such an amazing photograph!!!
Great news!
I knew who Marshal McLuhan was but I had no idea he was Edmonton-born! How awesome. He truly is a media legend.
Maybe not migraines but I’ve definitely heard that high heels affect our posture/body alignment! I don’t wear high heels as much as I’m sure I should if I want to look more professional, lol.
That’s ridiculous!
Pretty cool stuff… although I wouldn’t be surprised if the cure to cancer has already been found but just not made public because of how much money and jobs the cancer industry brings in/creates… (too pessimistic?)
Thor Photo of the Day:
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