Social Media Notes
Here’s this week’s round-up of social media (& tech) news. Come by each week for what I hope to be a fun & informative blog post on social stories that caught my eye throughout the week!
- I forgot to mention in a previous round-up, but it looked like Facebook Mobile app was finally showing share stats but ever since I noticed it, I haven’t noticed it since! Why Facebook, why! #ShowMeShareStats
- Facebook is now worth $190 billion, with shares hitting an all-time high.
- Too many to keep up with! Check out this list of rising social networks you should know about.
- Technology companies have a diversity problem. Pinterest is the latest tech company to unveil employee demographics, which looks a lot like other companies in that field: mostly white & mostly male.
- Here’s more on predominately white male companies including Twitter.
- Vine recently added ‘Loops’ so you get a type of ‘view’ stat you can actually sort of measure. This article looks at how the Loop stat isn’t really that accurate, so don’t get too excited if your loop numbers seem quite high!
- Also really interesting – a look at stealth marketing on Vine – how brands are infilitrating with product placement!
- Read about the rise of Snapchat celebrities and the kind of work that goes into being one.
- Coming soon from Instagram: ‘Bolt’ – One tap photo messaging.
- Changes for Foursquare. Check out their new logo and colour schemes and Swarm.
- I think this app called Anniversary is interesting. It’s a new twist on remembering the past via photo & video memories, letting you share content with a friend as a surprise, instead of nostalgically reviewing content on your own.
- Locally, I think this project from a U of A researcher is interesting: Irfan Chaudhry is tracking racism on Twitter across Canada as part of the ‘Twitter Racism Project.’
- Stupid Facebook users (and bad people in general) continue to get caught doing bad things by sharing theft online.
- Bookmarking content in Facebook has arrived: Read about Facebook’s “Save” button.
- 55% of respondents in a new digital trends wedding survey say their wedding included a hashtag. Check out more stats in this new digital trends for brides infographic!
- Did you see this week’s Cat Saturday photos?! My favourites are 3, 6, 8, 13, 16, 18, 19, 23, 25, 28, 29, and 32!!
Thoughts on these stories? Tweet @ me or leave a comment below!