Social Media Notes
Here’s this week’s round-up of social media (& tech) news. Come by each Sunday for what I hope to be a fun & informative blog post on social stories that caught my eye throughout the week!
- Crazy story… how a woman’s offensive tweet became the world’s top story and what it says about Internet mob mentality / online bullying. (She definitely shouldn’t have said what she said, but the Internet riot was a bit much).
- TMI? facebook wants to know why you didn’t publish that status update you started writing.
- New features added to Twitter’s ‘Alerts’ system aimed at making it easier for you to get notified of an emergency on your smartphone.
- The Social Network was a hit, now a book about the early days of Twitter is set to hit the TV screen!
- Yay! Vine rolls out vanity URLs for web viewing! I snagged mine! Though I don’t use Vine that much personally. It’s still exciting :)
- Hilarious – How an Amazon mix-up led to the greatest Twitter rant ever. #HamburgerEarmuffs
- Instagram is more popular on mobile than Twitter, according to a new study. Not surprising since Instagram is really entirely mobile.
- Twitter is working on an ‘edit’ feature for tweets, allowing users to make slight changes to fix typos / debunk rumours. As someone who falls victim to autocorrect all the time, this is welcome news, lol.
- Visual content is king ! Twitter made a change to its mobile app that now automatically pulls up your photo gallery first when you compose a tweet.
- This is interesting – Facebook launches ‘donate’ button for non-profits. Right now only available for certain non-profits but would be interesting to see how this works expanded.
- In case you were wondering – Canada’s most Googled tech terms in 2013.
- This story made the rounds on my social networks this week. Father and daughter recreate old wedding photos to say goodbye to late wife and mother. Ah.
- Kind of sad: BlackBerry cancels two phones fearing poor sales. Eep.
- Report says Apple has acquired a maps company & note-taking app. Google Maps is still the best!
- Check out this week’s adorable Cat Saturday photos (Christmas Edition). Too cute!
Thoughts on these stories? Tweet @ me or leave a comment below!
An Twitter edit feature would make my Christmas! I am a grammar geek and perhaps a tad A-type over typos…!
^ Already freaking out because I changed text but did not change “An” to the correct “A”! Torture!