Published in the February 26, 2013 issue of The Edmonton Sun.
Linda’s social media column can be found every Tuesday in the Edmonton Sun.
#MeettheMedia and the Yeggies nominees
On Friday, more than a hundred local tweeters converged ‘underground’ for the third Meet the Media tweetup. A tweetup is basically a meet up involving people who use Twitter.
Meet the Media (#meetthemedia) has become one of the bigger tweetups organized in the city – with more than 150 people packing The Underground Tap & Grill downtown to meet and mingle with like-minded tweeps and local media folks from different newspapers, television stations and magazine publications. It was a great night of catching up with old Twitter friends and meeting many I talk to regularly online – for the first time in person. But it was also a bit overwhelming. The size of the tweetup made it difficult to have longer conversations with people. I didn’t meet as many tweeps as I would have liked nor did I spend as much time with people because of the urge to mingle.
One thing I love about tweetups though is it’s the one event where you can be on your phone and it’s not rude – it’s even encouraged. Socialize in real life, then turn to your phone to tweet about who you’ve met and what you’ve been doing. It can be an odd but fun dynamic.
Meet the Media was organized by Tamara Stecyk (@TamaraVineberg) and is the first tweetup I’ve attended this year.
I hope it’s the first of many. They’re being organized all the time, you just have to keep eyes and ears open for them. A new website should help organize some of those events taking place around the city. It has more of a business twist but everyone is welcome.
Follow @yegtweetup for more details.
Other tweetups are smaller and more intimate so they shouldn’t be as overwhelming if the thought of 150 people in one room is daunting for you.
And remember there’s no reason you can’t organize one yourself! Hope to see you at an upcoming tweetup.
And the nominees are…
Mark your calendars social media friends!
The Yeggies award ceremony celebrating some of the best social media content creators in Edmonton is set to take place May 4.
Many of the people and blogs nominated are well-known in the local Twitter/blogosphere but there are also a number of nominees I’ve never heard of – which goes to show how big Edmonton’s social network stretches.
I’ve got a lot of new people to follow and blogs to check out ahead of the gala.
You can check them out too by heading to
And of course those nominated are really just a taste of the great people on social media in the Edmonton area.
I encourage you to dive in, follow and get to know all of the fantastic local tweeters and bloggers.
Tickets for the award show go on sale March 4.
Some Tweets of the Week
@EricWarnke: I haven’t had a single bus driver in #yvr smile or say hello. They must hate their jobs. Bus drivers are much friendlier in #yeg
@BrothersGrim: Skating at City Hall in #yegdt I love my city #yeg
@LeighPatrick: #yeg city says it can’t find potholes. Understandable, since they’ve all grown and connected into one big one. We call it ‘Edmonton.’ #ableg
@mishelleorama: There are SO many talented musicians in Edmonton. #yeg #loveit
@pam_i_am: I’d love it if #yeg had a year-round Sunday market.