Cityline: Tips (and products to use) when travelling while pregnant

This December (2022), I joined host Tracy Moore on Cityline—North America’s longest-running daytime talk show for women—from vacation in Barbados, where I share tips (including products to bring with you) when travelling while pregnant! 

Tips for Travelling while Pregnant
Segment originally aired December 12, 2022

Cityline - Travelling while Pregnant (Tips and Products) - Barbados
On Cityline with Tracy Moore—live from Barbados!
Cityline - Travelling while Pregnant (Tips and Products) - Barbados
Sharing tips for travelling while pregnant while I was travelling while pregnant in Barbados! lol

Portable Cushions and Foot Rests

I tested out a few items during my travels while pregnant to relieve tension from my back, butt, and knees—like a simple airplane foot rest that hangs off your airplane seat tray (depending on the plane and how their seat trays are set up lol, which I didn’t realize was different until I went on 8 different flights in the span of two weeks). The airplane foot rest mimics a recliner, taking stress off your back and knees and improves circulation!

You can also bring a self-inflating portable travel cushion that’s easy to carry on board with you. These travel cushions are a lightweight option for car, bus, train, or plane, and the difference adding a layer of cushion in between you and the seat can make for a long travel day is unbelievable, though I admit the one I tried for the Cityline segment was a pretty thin layer—there are bulkier, more padded cushion options (including one I have at home for my vehicle) that you can also carry on to give you even more comfort. Basically, the more distance between your butt and the actual seat, the better it will be for your. comfort! ·

Cityline - Travelling while Pregnant (Tips and Products) - Self Inflating Travel Cushion
Consider a portable travel seat cushion! (pre-inflating)
Cityline - Travelling while Pregnant (Tips and Products) - Seat Rest
A hanging foot rest for the airplane!

Pregnancy Travel Clothing & Accessories

In general, I wear loose fitting clothes and comfortable shoes (like my trusty KEEN Newport Retro sandals) but there are lots of products that can help with comfort when travelling while pregnant.

Knix Leakproof Underwear:

  • For my pregnancy, Knix leakproof underwear are a must. I’m not embarrassed to say that my pelvic muscles aren’t quite the same since getting pregnant, and that leaks happen a lot more these days than before. That’s where Knix’s Leakproof Underwear comes in, with different absorbency levels light, medium or super, and in different underwear styles, thong, bikini, shorts. It’s not just designed for pregnant women, but also great if you maybe sweat more than you’d like to, or, if you’re on your period. These are quick-dry, anti-odour, easy to wash, and while they are not meant to be diapers, they definitely saves some stress, especially when travelling!
  •  Knix has a Maternity section of underwear and accessories you can check out!
Knix Leakproof Underwear comes in cute designs!
Cityline - Travelling while Pregnant (Tips and Products) - Knix Leakproof Underwear
See the pad support inside Knix Leakproof Underwear.

Compression Socks:

  • It’s super common for your body parts to swell during pregnancy, particularly in the legs and feet and especially if you’re sitting or standing for long periods of time. Compression socks become a pregnant woman’s best friend because they are therapeutic socks that hug at your legs and ankles to get your blood circulation flowing which helps reduce swelling and discomfort. Find compression socks really in any store where socks are sold (often athletes will use them too), and get them at varying heights, covering your ankles up to your knees.
Cityline - Travelling while Pregnant (Tips and Products) - Compression Socks
Compression socks can tackle foot/leg inflammation.

Belly Bands:

  • The general theme here is how can you reduce discomfort so belly bands are a great idea to bring with you on a trip. These are breathable, elasticated fabric pieces that braces your belly and helps reduce lower back or pelvic aches or pain. Belly bands also help improve balance, which is something you might start to lose the farther along into pregnancy you are.
Cityline - Travelling while Pregnant (Tips and Products) - Belly Band
Belly bands brace your belly!
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Belly bands provide lower back and pelvic support.

Dealing with Nausea while Pregnant

Many pregnant women experience nausea throughout their trimesters, particularly at the beginning of it, so if you are travelling and you’re worried about throwing up, you may want to try items like wristbands or lollipops designed to be anti-nausea.

Anti-Nausea Wristbands:

  • Anti-nausea wristbands use something called “acupressure knobs” or studs that are built right into the wristband to relieve morning sickness, nausea, or motion sickness. These bands are a great natural, drug-free solution to tackle nausea.
  • If you prefer to tackle nausea with a pill, drop, or pop, then Preggie Pops from Three Lollies is a popular option. This company has been around for more than 20 years and uses natural oils and botanicals in their products to keep the nausea away. The Preggie Pops (drops and lollipops) come in tasty flavours like raspberry or tangerine. Like the anti-nausea wristbands, these drops and pops are also drug free. Note, if you ARE taking drugs to treat any adverse symptoms during pregnancy, please make sure you check with your doctor first!
Cityline - Travelling while Pregnant (Tips and Products) - Preggie Band Anti Nausea Wristband
Ever heard of an anti-nausea wristband?
Cityline - Travelling while Pregnant (Tips and Products) - Sea Band Anti Nausea Wristband
These use 'acupressure' to combat nausea!

General Advice for Travelling while Pregnant

  • If you’re on a plane, you want to make sure you’re getting up and walking up and down the aisles throughout your flight to help with stiffness or body aches, don’t sit for too long.
  • I book an aisle seat so it’s easier to get out and when booking I always look at where the nearest on board bathrooms are so I know how close I am to one.
  • You can let the attendant know you’re pregnant in advance of the flight as they may allow you to board sooner to get comfortable.
  • Travel insurance is especially a good idea during pregnancy—you just don’t know what might happen on your travels, complications, early labour, etc. and there are some horror stories of people suck with enormous hospital bills because they had to give birth in a different country!
  • And wear a mask on a plane!!! Planes were pretty gross even before the pandemic and masks are such a simple way to protect yourself and your baby from any sick particles that may be circulating in the cabin.
Cityline - Travelling while Pregnant (Tips and Products) - Barbados
Sharing a few products that helped make my pregnancy travels a little easier.

Thanks again to Cityline for having me on the show! I love being one of their guest “experts!”

Cityline - Travelling while Pregnant (Tips and Products)
Talking Travelling while Pregnant while travelling in Barbados—on Cityline TV!
Click to watch my Cityline segment!


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