Backing Locals: a free directory supporting businesses, artists, makers, charitable organizations in your community

Since the pandemic, I’ve been making a point to go out of my way to support and spread the word that others should try to local businesses where they can. I am really concerned that many businesses will not survive the pandemic, so I’m trying to do my part to help by purchasing products and services from as many local businesses, artists, makers, creators, and donating to charities as possible during this difficult time. 

Each week on my grocery / supply run, I also go to a handful of local restaurants, cafes, and producers to try and support them. I’m also giving social media love to local places too! 

Now I’m excited to announce that I have teamed up with my web developer brother Oscar Hoang (of Hustlebox Design) to create a new resource for others to use in supporting local: 

Backing Locals: a free, digital directory of businesses, charities, non-profits, artists, makers and other creators—intended to make it easier for Canadians to support their local community! 

Backing Locals - Support your Community Directory
Backing Locals is a free directory making it easier for Canadians to support businesses, charitable organizations, artists and makers in their city.

Backing Locals is designed to not only help Canadian business owners, but also charitable organizations, artists and other makers bring attention to their products and services, and generate business, during what’s likely the biggest challenge many have ever faced—the COVID-19 pandemic.

Let’s come together as a community and make sure they get through this—together.

Use the local directories on Backing Locals to easily browse businesses, charities/non-profits, artists, creators and other makers who could use your help, in cities across Canada. The listings should act as an easy and useful resource for Canadians who want to find specific services and ways to support organizations and people in their community. 

Sort by city or names, view by list, in alphabetical order or by using a map, easily get links to websites, social networks, gift card or donation pages, online stores and more. And add listings for free! 

Backing Locals - Support Community Directory
Use Backing Locals to support your community.

My brother and I have put in a fair bit of listings to the directory already based on publicly available information, but the hope is that you as a potential customer or you as a business owner, charitable organization, artist or maker will also add your own listings to help grow the directory and make it even easier for Canadians to find and support the community. 

Supporting local businesses is also personal for us, as our family owns a local restaurant (King Noodle House Pho Hoang) which—along with many other local businesses—is struggling to survive this pandemic. We know firsthand the challenge and uncertainty local business owners are facing, and wanted to create this helpful resource to only help business owners, but also draw attention to and help people more easily connect with and support charities, non-profits, artists, makers and other creators.


Backing Locals - Support Community Directory
Backing Locals includes a resource for artists, makers, creators, freelancers and other independent businesses.

I hope you use Backing Locals to help you decide who to support during the pandemic.

I also hope you use it to add business owners, charitable organizations, and people who may need support! 

We’ll continue to add to the directory to help grow it and bring more attention to as many businesses, charities, non-profits, artists, and makers who need it as well. 

And honestly I was also just excited to create something with my talented web developer brother!

(Learn more about Oscar’s web development and design services here)

Backing Locals - Support Community Directory
On Backing Locals, browse + Add businesses, charities/non-profits by city!

There are many great resources that have been launched to help businesses in need during this pandemic. We think Backing Locals is a great addition to those growing number of resources, and also unique in that it includes charities, non-profits, artists, makers and creators in addition to businesses.

We would love if you shared about Backing Locals!

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Backing Locals Promo
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Backing Locals Promo
Share about Backing Locals! Feel free to use this image.

Please also note: Backing Locals is not a revenue-generating project. My brother Oscar and I have both donated our own time and resources to create this directory and service for Canadians and local communities, for free. If you are interested in helping cover costs associated with promoting and maintaining this directory, please email [email protected] for sponsorship inquiries.

But really we just want to see people use the directory (support their communities), add to it, and share it!!


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