Social Media Notes (#99) – Links for the Week of January 11 – 17

Social Media Notes

Here’s this week’s round-up of social media (& sometimes tech) news. Come back weekly for what I hope to be a fun & informative blog post on social stories that caught my eye throughout the week! 

  • Snapchat’s video viewing numbers are rivalling Facebook’s – a new report says Snapchat users watch 7 billion clips every day (Facebook said they were seeing 8 billion daily video views). I would argue Snapchat’s is far more relevant as people need to actively engage in clicking and viewing the videos versus Facebook’s auto-play.
  • Speaking of privacy, here are some nice tips to improve your Twitter security! (though I think Twitter should do away with the ‘protect your tweets/private accounts’ function). One of the scenarios is related to social, and Pew summarizes that “a general dislike of social media and the information that people share on those platforms” may be affecting respondents’ views.
  • Are you a gamer? Will you tweet more now that Twitter has launched its Twitter Gaming hub? “Whether folks are discovering a new game, tweeting at a game personality, keeping up with gaming news or following their favourite eSport, we want to make it easy for gaming fans to find and join the most vibrant conversations about games.” I’d love to see an official Twitter hub for cats, lol.

Thoughts on these stories? Tweet @ me or leave a comment below!


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