Host Edmonton is a combined trade, food, and educational show taking place May 22-24, 2014.
Eat. Drink. Think! What are you doing May 22-24? Hopefully attending Host Edmonton!
Host Edmonton is a combined trade, food, and educational show that puts you in the mix with top hospitality professionals, exposing you to trends, techniques and ingredients that are guaranteed to elevate your next home or restaurant hosting experience. The conference is open to anyone with a passion for food and delivering great hospitality. It takes place May 22-24, 2014.
From Host Edmonton: “Challenge the conventions of food, drink and hospitality. Local and international experts and chefs will share their best tips, tricks, drinks and dishes, with plenty of parties and tastings to fill your plate!”
The fantastic people at Host Edmonton have given me 5 pairs of kick-off party tickets (May 22) and one pair of conference passes (May 23 & 24) to give away to some of you awesome readers!
Host Edmonton’s kick-off party includes an outstanding tasting event and performance from The Sheepdogs.
How to win your way into Host Edmonton kick-off party & conference
Host Edmonton Kick-off Party
Thursday, May 22
7 p.m.
Shaw Conference Centre
Five pairs of tickets
(Each ticket valued at $35)
Host Edmonton 2-Day Conference Pass
Friday, May 23 & Saturday, May 24
Any speaker session + demo
Click here to see the schedule
One pair of passes
(Each pass valued at $200)
*Please note this does not include access to the Fine Wine Gala & Prud’homme Certification
To enter, leave a comment below telling me which of the Host Edmonton conference sessions sounds most interesting to you and why! Click here to see a list of the sessions.
You must include your name and email address so I know how to contact you! Also include your Twitter account if you have one. I will randomly choose winners based on those who have left comments and the bonus entries.
You can also get your name entered into the mix more times (this is highly recommended) by:
1) Tweeting out this sentence:
I’ve entered @lindork’s blog giveaway for tickets to @HostEdmonton! May 22-24 #HostEdmonton #yeg #yegfood
2) Following @HostEdmonton on Twitter
3) Liking Host Edmonton on Facebook
4) Following Host Edmonton on Instagram
* Please let me know in your comment below that you followed Host Edmonton on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, in order to get the additional entries. ONLY NEW FOLLOWS/LIKES COUNT.
Also note these bonus entry options only count IF you have left a comment answering the above question. You must comment to qualify! Note: Comments need to be moderated unless you’ve left a comment before. If you don’t see your comment show up right away, don’t fret! :)
The Host Edmonton conference includes a variety of expert-led demos, Food Channel keynotes and Brain Food sessions.
Six winners will be chosen in total! If you’re unsure about your chances, you should just get tickets anyway. It sounds like it will be a great festival! Click here to get tickets!
I am interested in the “Tools of the Trade – BBQ – Rob Reinhardt” One can always hone the BBQ skills, and who doesn’t want to hear about the latest tool (and gadgets?)!
Following @HostEdmonton on Twitter!
“Liked” on FB!
I would love to attend the Prud’Homme Beer Session! Patio season is here and I want to be a wise consumer!
I also followed Host Edmonton on Twitter, Facebook, AND Instagram, in order to get the additional entries….that’s right all of them! :)
would love the wine and food pairing, always love to hear the latest buz on what to pair with what! also did the tweet, followed and facebook jaz!
Following @HostEdmonton on Twitter.
Looks like I found a foodie goodie. 2 day conference pass please!… because… what’s not to love about everything food? Have you seen my instagram? I’m off to tweet this. See u at Carnaval!
I would love to attend the Social Media Strategy on Saturday. Alyson Hodson & Michelle Kirkwood seem very interesting and knowledgeable. I tweeted, followed and liked everything :)
I am most looking forward to the “building your culinary brand with Christine Cushing, Christine is a fearless Canadian top chef that understand from experience the power of the visual of your company and influence it has to tell a very personal and unique story. Thanks for this opportunity Linda, I really enjoys your posts and I’m a new Fan of Host Edmonton on Facebook and Twitter.
The opening kick off party for me! Great food and music makes for a great time!
I really relate to Christine Cushing and look forward to her session! Would love to win conference tix. Here’s hoping!
Following @HostEdmonton on Twitter.
“Liked” on FB!
The low and slow demo sounds awesome! I also checked out host edmonton on Facebook, twitter and Instagram @russellabird you have my email ;) great giveaway Linda!
I’m interested in the Farm to fork as I have an idea of building a brand for Dexter cattle in tne same way that Angus has. Hudson Phinney
Also very interested in the food and wine pairing as it has been a long time since I’ve had some one who shares an interest in having wine with a meal. Need to get back into the know with the new wines.
I am really excited for the back to basics and food and wine pairing session. The whole conference sounds amazing to gain practical tools for the field!
Looking forward to Kevin Brauch.
I have followed Host Edmonton on instragram, twitter, and Facebook!