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Lindork's Lists

Lindork’s Lists – Q&A #2: Chloe Skerlak (Fertility Awareness Educator)

In Lindork’s Lists: Q&A with… I interview interesting people doing interesting things. It’s the most interesting thing you’ll read this week! For Q&A #2, I chat with Chloe Skerlak, Fertility Awareness Educator. Learn about how Chloe teaches women about fertility awareness and becoming advocates for their own health. These Q&As are first released a month before blog post publication for paid subscribers of my Lindork’s Lists newsletter.
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Unexplained Infertility

Infertility Awareness Week 2021: My Seven Images of Infertility

2021 marks our seventh year trying to conceive, and another year trying new things to conceive. With it being Infertility Awareness Week (April 18-24, 2021), I thought I would share My Seven Images of Infertility and feelings to reflect and mark a seven-year milestone that I wouldn’t wish upon anyone.
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