Social Media Notes
Here’s this week’s round-up of social media (& tech) news. Come by each week for what I hope to be a fun & informative blog post on social stories that caught my eye throughout the week!
- Some new updates to Instagram that I am digging: You can turn on post notifications for specific users, and add colour and fade filters to your photos!
- Twitter’s changing up desktop search results – Top is still unfortunately featured first (I really think it should be Live!) but there’s also just a different look by photos, videos, and more.
- Pretty big change in the way you can retweet/quote a tweet on desktop and iPhone. Now when you RT it asks if you want to add a comment and then it gives you the full 140 characters to do so, putting the original person’s tweet in an embedded box. I can see it being useful because you get more space to add comments, and original tweets don’t suffer from modifications, but in the “retweet game” people still need to click to the original tweet if it’s too long to see in the embedded preview and then that takes them away from your comments!
- The nominees have been announced for the 2015 Webby Awards and Make Something Edmonton is a nominee in Websites: City & Urban Innovation! Woot. Cast your vote for #makeitYEG.
- LinkedIn has released a new app called Elevate, which suggests articles for you to read and share. I’ve been using Nuzzel app lately on my friend Devin Komarniski’s recommendation – it will notify you when a bunch of your friends/followers are sharing the same article. Nice to get an easy pulse.
- Apple has released a bunch of new emojis which – at first you’re thinking YAY! right? But, I feel like they really missed an opportunity to include a lot more useful and day-to-day relevant emojis (like lots more food!) and problem is the new emojis turn into aliens if people are viewing them on non-updated iOS and non-iOS. Hopefully they fix that soon. It’s ruining everyone’s #emojigame.
- Here’s the latest from Pew Research on teens and social media use – including 91% of teens go online from a mobile device, 92% report going online daily, Facebook is still the most popular, Snapchat is rising, and Twitter not that high in use among teens. Which is actually really interesting because it’s almost identical to results we found in a mini student survey we did in the fall. Snapchat is making big waves with the young’uns.
- Sometimes the Internet’s responses to things just make your day. See hilarious social media reactions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign announcement.
- Very excited the next Social Media Breakfast is all about Edmonton food and it’s sponsored by NAIT’s Continuing Education (Business and Hospitality Portfolio – @NAITCulinary). Plus features some familiar faces in the local food scene – Addie and Lindsay. A must-attend! (Plus I wonder if the breakfast will be extra delicious?! lol)
- Twitter is cracking down on terrorist tweeters.. suspending 10,000 ISIS accounts. Sadly that’s just a fraction of what’s out there, and accounts can be replaced within hours.
- First it was #TheDress, now it’s this (though to a lesser “viral” extent): Is this cat going up or down the stairs? I can see it both ways but my initial thought is that it’s going down, lol.
- Did you see this week’s Cat Saturday photos?! My favourites are 1, 5, 13, 16, 19, and 20!!!!
Thoughts on these stories? Tweet @ me or leave a comment below!