Social Media Notes
Here’s this week’s round-up of social media (& tech) news. Come by each Sunday for what I hope to be an informative blog post on social stories that caught my eye throughout the week!
- The best story of the week – which blew up on Twitter (there were 50,000 tweets an hour about this topic): How 11,000 volunteers and the City of San Francisco teamed up to make a 5-year-old superhero’s dreams come true. My heart!! Some of the photos just give me goosebumps and reading through brings tears to my eyes.
“It’s not who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you.” Go #SFBatKid!
- A lot of people scratching their heads over this… Snapchat turns down $3 billion offer from Facebook. This is a profile on the 23-year-old creator of Snapchat. (What were you thinking turning down $3B?!)
- It’s undeniably catchy … and now ‘What Does the Fox Say?’, the video/song that went viral, will be turned into a children’s book.
- Choose and arrange specific tweets – Twitter launches custom timelines. It’s very Storify. I haven’t played around with it yet!
- More on Twitter – check out these old logo and name ideas for Twitter before it became Twitter. Imagine if it had been “Friendstalker.” Lol not sure it would be as famous right now with that name.
- Nerd for the news: Check out new research on news consumption across various social networks.
This historic moment, as it would have been shared on Instagram! ;)
- Apparently 100,000 Instagram users were scammed by this. If you’re going to be dumb enough to fall for something offering you free likes and followers, you kind of deserve to be hacked, yes?
- Remember the Google Mystery barge? Rumours were that it was a floating data centre but it turns out it’s a sailboat. A ‘Google gallery’, an “interactive space where people can learn about new technology.” Interesting!
- So… Justin Bieber has a new selfie app. And the scary thing is I bet it will be very popular…
- Privacy slowly but surely slipping away. Google glass Sunshade makes it easier to see Glass graphics in daylight but also covers up the light that tells others the glasses are in use.
- But speaking of Google Glass… these astonishing images taken from Glass shows how the advice will change photography forever.
Google Glass to revolutionize photography..
- Great news. Google and Microsoft (Bing) agree to measures that make it harder to find child abuse images online.
- Google will also keep on digitizing books! It won a long-running digital books lawsuit against the Authors Guild, who accused the company of scanning millions of books without permission.
- Did you miss my Social Media Spotlight the Edmonton connection to Grumpy Cat?! The co-creator of the amazing Weather Kitty app (featuring Grumpy Cat) is from Edmonton!
- Check out this week’s adorable Cat Saturday photos. My favs are 4, 5, 7, 9, 15, 16, and 22!
Thoughts on these stories? Tweet @ me or leave a comment below!