Social Media Notes
Here’s this week’s round-up of social media (& tech) news. Come by each week for what I hope to be a fun & informative blog post on social stories that caught my eye throughout the week!
* Note: Sorry I have been missing the last couple of weeks’ Social Media Notes (or restaurant reviews for that matter)! Time has been all-consumed by preparing for the inaugural Edmonton International Cat Festival! That has now wrapped up (huge success! Review post about that to come) so I should be back to regularly scheduled programming (except I am going on holidays in a few weeks… lol)*
- Perhaps the most exciting social media news of the week (for me anyway, lol) is that Twitter now finally supports GIFs!!!!! Check out my excited tweet when I found out the news.
- Also interesting was this follow-up story about how Twitter GIFs actually aren’t GIFs.
- What many have been waiting for… 250 new Emojis will be released this July including the middle finger Emoji, lol. There apparently is a fight over getting a hot dog Emoji added too.
- The FBI’s extensive guide to slang is pretty funny. I can’t believe how exhaustive it is (2,800 entries over 83 pages and yet even in its summary it says it’s not an exhaustive list). I certainly do not talk like that….. lol.
- After its accidental release, Facebook has now officially released its Snapchat competitor app Slingshot. I likely won’t be using it, as I don’t really use Snapchat anyway too. Will you start sending ‘slingshots?’ lol
- Facebook has quietly lifted its ban on exposed nipples in breastfeeding photos.
- Advertisers will now be able to target you on Facebook based on your web browsing history. You can opt out, but. still. stop it advertisers. (The worst ads that already exist on FB are the ones that are selling me custom shirts based on my last name and ‘about’ information.
- This is older than just the past week but since I’ve missed a few round-ups, I wanted to add this! In case you missed it, The CIA is now on Twitter and their first tweet is hilarious.
- Have you heard about the million-dollar app that simply sends one message? “Yo” I don’t get it.
- All those fitness apps are driving a mobile app usage boom. Health and fitness apps are growing at a rate 87% afster than the rest of the app industry. Do you use any fitness app?
- Hm well if this is any indication of whose winning the Samsung vs. Apple battle.. Thieves are now stealign fewer iPhones and more Samsung phones.
- Yesterday was the longest day of the year – which also technically made it the longest Cat Saturday of the year! Ha. Check out this week’s Cat Saturday photos! My favourites are 4, 5, 9, 11, 17, 19, 23, 32, and 33 (lol @ 33)!
- And speaking of the longest day of the year, 17 hours of sunshine, how did Edmontonians spend it?! Check out this Storify from CBC compiling #YEGLongDay posts. You can also search the Instagram feed #yeglongday and on Twitter #yeglongday.
Thoughts on these stories? Tweet @ me or leave a comment below!