Social Media Notes
Here’s this week’s round-up of social media (& tech) news. Come by each week for what I hope to be a fun & informative blog post on social stories that caught my eye throughout the week!
Happy birthday Grumpy Cat!
- The Internet’s most famous cat turned 2 years old this week!!! Happy birthday Grumpy Cat!!!
- Cats dominated April Fools’ Day jokes. Check out a round-up of cat-related jokes here!
- “What do you get when you cross Snapchat with Instagarm Direct image messaging?” New Vine messages – users can now send video and text message sto anyone on Vine.
- Google is apparently close to debuting Andriod TV.
- Google wants to trademark the word “Glass.” Lol.
- An interesting read on gamification as a powerful tool to increase employee engagement!
- The latest on YouTube’s new music service.
- eBay puts some weight on virtual currencies – adding a category that allows buyers and sellers to trade Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and others.
- Brace yourselves for more Twitter ads – including this ‘download now’ in-app install feature.
James Franco’s awkward Instagram flirting with underage girl. (SCREENSHOT/PHOTO CREDIT:
- James Franco admits to hitting on a 17-year-old girl on Instagram, calls social media “tricky”.
- There is speculation the whole James Franco underage social media flirting is a hoax though.
- Big Brother in the social networking age. American and British intelligence want to use social media platforms to spread disinformation and propaganda, recent Snowden leaks claim.
- Did you hear?! The Edmonton International Cat Festival is happening June 7!! I’m so excited for this and I’m so excited to see people already snapping up their tickets! Hope to see you at the city’s biggest celebration of cats!
- Check out this week’s Cat Saturday photos! My favourites are 2, 3, 5, 10, 12, 15, 17, 24, and 27!!!!
Thoughts on these stories? Tweet @ me or leave a comment below!