Social Media Column: Edmonton’s social media awards — The Yeggies

Published in the January 29, 2013 issue of The Edmonton Sun.

Linda’s social media column can be found every Tuesday in the Edmonton Sun.

Edmonton’s social media awards — The Yeggies

Award season is well underway, but instead of culminating at the end of February for the Oscars – I, and many in the local social media community – will be eagerly awaiting The Yeggies!

The Edmonton New Media Awards or ‘The Yeggies’ is the first-ever, awards show to recognize and celebrate social media content creators (or superstars, as I call them) in our fine city.

“I think a lot of people who work in the space do it out of passion, not really expecting to be recognized,” says Yeggies Founder Adam Rozenhart (@bingofuel).

“It’s about supporting people in the work they do and the contribution they make to the ongoing social discussion that takes place out there.”

As I’ve been saying in this space each week, Edmonton has a fantastic social media community and one that deserves to be highlighted.

I try to do that through these columns, but now this award show will go a step further in recognizing the great bloggers, tweeters, and podcasters, to name a few.

“People are publishing words or audio or video that is really, really interesting and I think more people should see it,” Rozenhart says.

Nominations for The Yeggies opened in December and wrap up on Jan. 31 with a ‘gala’ awards night being planned for late April or early May, where winners will take home the title and if all goes according to plan, be bestowed with a special Yeggies medal as well.

A panel of judges will be selected to decide on winners for each category.

There are 12 categories including ‘Best in Edmonton,’ ‘Best in Food,’ ‘Best in Family or Parenting,’ and ‘Best Twitter Persona.’

Rozenhart says there has already been more than 150 nominations cast since The Yeggies were announced.

“Many, if not most of the nominees, I’ve never heard of before which is cool. All that says to me is that this community goes beyond my personal network,” he says.

And while the awards have mostly been well received, he notes that some people have expressed concerns, putting down “this sort of self-congratulatory stuff.”

To them, I say, keep your negativity to yourself.

People and organizations get recognized for their work all the time – why shouldn’t those in the realm of social media get the same recognition?

I’m so excited Rozenhart and the rest of The Yeggies committee have brought this to Edmonton. These kinds of initiatives make our city better, as does the content produced and connections made among our social media community.

Let’s keep focusing on the good that Edmontonians are doing!

Follow The Yeggies on Twitter @Yeggies and nominate someone for a Yeggie at

You can also sign up to be a volunteer for the awards gala or help sponsor the event.

Some Tweets of the Week

@metalairplanes: I can’t wait until I have money to buy local art for our new apartment, probably in March #yeg yegarts #yegsa

@ActiveAbma: @ Centennial Bottle Depot here in #yeg, workers are all dudes and they’ve got Celine Dion cranked, totally rocking out to it. #awesome

@busytownmom: Everyone’s tuckered out from #Yeg Ice on Whyte. Even the dog. Great day for slip-n-side on ice.

@nicoole9: Everyone in #yeg take a breather today. Seems like everyone is in a rush. It’s a beautiful day out! Enjoy it :)

@Jadeakuira: Came to #work to find a #birthday fort! This is the reason I love coming in to work: the awesome people! #Yeg

Click here to read the column on the Edmonton Sun website!

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