As 2014 comes to an end, WordPress has given me an easy way to put out a year-end blog post – they sent all WordPress Jetpack users a summary of some fun blog stat facts over the past year! Here’s my summary:
In 2014, I posted 122 times.
My Top 10 posts were:
- 1. Holiday Events & Activities in Edmonton (2014)
- 2. Review: 97 Hot Pot
- 3. What to do for New Year’s Eve (2014): Edmonton Event Listing
- 4. Recap & Giveaway: BreakOut Live Action Escape Game Edmonton
- 5. Review: Kenko Japanese Restaurant
- 6. Social Media Spotlight: Top 26 Edmonton Instagram Users to Follow
- 7. Review: La Ronde Revolving Restaurant
- 8. Rachel Lees, broke Canadian girl, gets creative with ‘dining out’
- 9. Recap: Halloween food creations
- 10. Review: Urban Shabu
Some of my popular posts were written before 2014 so WordPress says my “writing has staying power” lol :) It is also worth noting my review of Bangkok Restaurant (also hot pot) was the Top 12 post, and my recap of our experience at a taping of The Colbert Report also made Top 11 (I note that since the show wrapped up completely just a couple of weeks ago. Tears forever). My review of one of my favourite new Italian restaurants in Spruce Grove Porta Romana, also round out the Top 15.
Other tidbits – I seemed to post a lot on Mondays – that day had the most number of new posts made. My longest streak for blogs in a review was in November – when I posted at least once a day for 5 days. This was due to my series of blog post recaps of my experience at Christmas in November!
My top referrers were:
- Urbanspoon
- Only Here for the Food
- Mastermaq’s Blog
(Shout out to Mack and Sharon! Thanks for linking to my posts!)
And I had visitors from 135 countries but most traffic came from Canada.
The U.S. and U.K. were close behind.
So fun! My overall blog traffic doubled from 2013 to 2014 too.
Thank you readers!!!
I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read this blog. So, so, appreciative!
I promise to remain consistent with my posts into 2015! Coming up after this: a couple more restaurant reviews, Part 2 of my Top Edmonton Instagram Users to follow, and mine and friend @britl’s hot pot review series! As you can see from the top posts listed above, Edmontonians clearly have an appetite for hot pot reviews!
Did you have a favourite blog post / restaurant review that you read on this blog in the past year? Please let me know! :)
Keep up the great work!
Wow, so much great stuff… keep it up!