Recap + Giveaway: $200 for House Cleaning Services from Mad Maids

I hate cleaning.

Ha ha. The last time I wrote about cleaning, I said I ‘loathed’ it because hate is such a strong word, but after some months, I’ve decided ‘hate’ works for this. I really hate cleaning, lol.

There’s just a lot of things I’d much rather be doing.

This past year, Mike and I decided that paying for convenience is worth it – especially when it comes to house cleaning.

We’ve decided once a quarter, to invest in a deep house clean.

In between, we’ll handle the week-to-week (or every other weeks to weeks…)

As you can imagine, our house gets pretty messy pretty quick with four animals (two dogs and two cats) all under the same roof.

So we were thrilled when our next quarter house clean was coming up at the same time that Mad Maids reached out to see if I’d be interested in giving away house cleaning services for readers of this blog!

I’m excited to give away $200 and $50 gift cards for house cleaning services through Mad Maids. 

Read on for a quick recap of the deep clean they did for us, and enter to win at the bottom of the post!

With four animals - our house gets pretty messy pretty quickly.

With four animals – our house gets pretty messy pretty quickly.

Mad Maids actually started in Calgary in 2013 and expanded to Edmonton at the end of 2015.

There’s a lot of house cleaning options out there, so I asked Mad Maids what sets them apart.

This is what they told me:

What sets Mad Maids apart from other cleaning services is our focus on using modern technology for customer service and convenience while maintaining a high quality home cleaning experience.

We were the very first company in Alberta to offer a visible flat-rate pricing structure to make things easy for customers and also the first to offer online booking. 

Since we started, a couple of local companies have followed our lead but the vast majority still make it more time consuming for the customer, requiring a call or even a home visit to obtain a quote for cleaning.

Our clients are busy people and we wanted to eliminate this for them and have made the process quick, easy and hassle free. All it takes is 60 seconds to book a cleaning on our website (even less if the customer already has an account with us), automatic recurring cleanings with discounted rates if desired (so the customer can ‘set it and forget it’ having us show up at the same time every month or week), and email or text message reminders as desired. 

We value good, honest, old-fashioned service and cleaning with a touch of modern convenience!

Our cleaning started at $159 (for a 3-bedroom clean) + an additional $50 for a deep clean.

You get quite a bit with just the flat rate service (check out what’s covered here) with a bit extra (including detailed baseboard cleaning) with the deep clean add-on.

Thank you Holly and Amy from Mad Maids!

Thank you Holly and Amy from Mad Maids!

Holly and Amy were our cleaning extraordinaires!

They did a quick tour of the home before getting down to it.

Shining the windows.

Shining the windows.

We were delighted at how thorough they were!

The thing about flat rate house cleaning services is that you don’t have to worry about how long the work takes – you won’t be charged any more for it if it does run long.

Cleaning away!

Cleaning away!

Mike and I did hang around for a bit while they cleaned but the beauty of having cleaners come to your home is that you don’t actually need to be there (at least, after the initial greeting).

Since they were being thorough, we left for a few hours and were so thrilled to come back to a clean home!

My favourite room in our house is made better when it's CLEAN!

My favourite room in our house is made better when it’s CLEAN!


The shiniest stove.

Mike's bidet has never been cleaner.

Mike’s bidet has never been cleaner.

Clean bathroom!

Clean bathroom!

Mike and I were impressed with the quality of cleaning we received from Mad Maids.

The price points are pretty much on par with the previous cleaning service we’ve used (iMaid), though Holly and Amy with Mad Maids did do more (things like moving couches to get underneath, cleaning inside the microwave, etc.)

They were also very friendly!

I’d definitely recommend Mad Maids, but why don’t you try for yourself?

You can get $20 off any service by using the code LH20 when booking online, or enter below for a chance to win a $200 or $50 gift card for house cleaning services with Mad Maids!


(Valued at $200 and $50)

Here are the different ways you can enter this contest (make sure you check off what you’ve done through the Rafflecopter widget below in order to qualify!)

  • Leave a comment on this blog post telling me how do you clean? Do you have a system? Tell me your ways to make cleaning fun + efficient!
    Note: You MUST leave a comment in order to be eligible for the prize! All other ways to enter will get you additional/bonus entries and improve your chances of winning, but you won’t be eligible unless you leave a blog comment first.
  • Tweet this message: My house needs a cleaning! Hope I win @lindork’s giveaway for $200 GC to @MadMaids! #yeg 

(If the widget doesn’t load, click here!)

I’ll randomly select a winner after the contest closes on June 13, 2016.

* Note: Comments are moderated so if they don’t appear right away, don’t worry!

Thanks to Mad Maids for providing the $200 and $50 gift card giveaways for my readers and thank you to Holly and Amy for an awesome house cleaning!


Follow lindork on Instagram

Disclaimer: I will always provide my 100% honest opinion on this blog. Mad Maids offered me a one-time cleaning free of charge in exchange for a review of the experience + giveaway. This has no impact on opinions stated in this post.


  • Heather Kennedy says:

    I throw on my iPod and try to get as much cleaning done in the two hours my little sleeps

  • AliKira says:

    I definitely don’t have a system for cleaning. I clean when it strikes me as something I need to do. I obviously ought to clean more often as a result.

  • Jenn L. says:

    Oy, a system for cleaning? Does picking a day and going hard count as a “system”? LOL Just joking; I light some candles and pop on some music – I treat cleaning as a workout, so of course the music has to be beaty; preferably, throwback jams. Then I go at it!!!

  • Laura Thomson says:

    My system is to put it off as long possible, until I’m so disgusted that I finally find the motivation to clean up. Luckily I’m married to a man who finds satisfaction in cleaning.

  • Rachel Sykes says:

    I try really hard to keep on top of my cleaning, but that doesn’t work. I googled a few different “cleaning calendars” and meshed them into one that worked for me. I think I follow it about 60% of the time. Which is amazing for me! Haha

  • Laura says:

    I clean when I can! With 3 kids and a shift working husband and a full time job plus all of the kids’ activities, I don’t have room for much else. I try to stay on top of it daily and then leave the “big” clean items like vacuuming, dusting, cleaning floors for weekends.

  • Allison Bouthillier says:

    Listening to podcasts as I clean!

  • Naomi says:

    I’m a teacher and its June. Cleaning isn’t even in my vocabulary these days!

  • Fareeza Khurshed says:

    I would have to clean my house before I had cleaners, that’s how much I need a cleaning service at the moment!

  • Kaitlyn says:

    I listen to an audiobook while I clean. Makes the time pass quicker!

  • Jess F says:

    A system? Not at all! When I notice something looking dirty I clean it and that seems to keep things tidy enough around here.

  • Julie says:

    i have no system. My parents still have to come help me out!

  • Tanya says:

    I turn on all the lights in my house and as I clean the room I turn off the lights. Motivates me to get it done quicker. It’s odd, I know.

  • I clean by putting things in boxes and hiding them from sight. Things look magically neater when stored somewhere (just don’t look for it ever again)… I also like to do small cleaning tasks and then reward myself (e.g. organized living room – have some chips).

  • Sarah says:

    I clean whatever seems to need it the most. i love to listen to the radio while I clean

  • I’m a scheduler. I schedule the weekly cleans, and then quarterly I deep clean over a weekend and sort through my stuff for things to sell or donate. I’ll never be properly minimalist as I have difficulty parting with either books or comfy things. My hubby is a terribly messy sort with too much junk so I lock him in the basement and focus only on cleaning/controlling the other two levels of the house. Cleaning is a form of stress relief for me (but so is cooking, so I’m making as many messes as I clean).

  • Nanc says:

    Cleaning is my bane as well. I’m rarely home to sleep and honestly the cat doesn’t complain. My cleaning tricks: invite company over! Then I must clean to save face. Ha.

    I have always wanted to invest in a maid service! Great review of Mad Maids as I have been considering them.

  • Amelia says:

    I fearing hate cleaning and usually leave it until it makes me overwhelmed enough to tackle it all at once. It’s not the best system but I haven’t found something that works. I have tried to convince Lu to invest in a maid service but he won’t bite lol

  • I clean fast and furious and try to see it like a work out – ha, ha! Thanks for the great blog, Linda – love the pics too.

  • Robin Taylor says:

    I do all the cooking so my wife does the cleaning, and with a our busy lives, 3 animals (4 if you include our 19 yr son) we don’t clean as often as she would like. The roomba is deployed a lot

  • Violet Poon says:

    Mad clean whenever I have company! Using the ‘on the knees and scrubbing with my hands’ on the kitchen floor method works well!

  • CM says:

    I also hate cleaning :( I have so many better things to do!

  • Brittney says:

    Eventually when I get my stuff together, a quarterly cleaning will be a must! This will be a good start.

  • Melanie says:

    I try to break it down to different tasks per night over the course of the week and schedule it into my day planner like the rest of my day.

  • Like a few comments above, I would need to clean first before letting someone else come over and clean my home! I love the idea of a quarterly clean as I likely loathe it as much as you do. With two dogs and one cat who are all heavy shedders, it can get pretty nasty. One thing that does help me are audio books. Since I would always rather be reading than anything else, by listening to a book I feel like I am not completely wasting my personal time while I scrub floors.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  • Jeff says:

    I clean the old-school way – rags and pine sol. Cleaning allows me to get in touch with my oft-neglected music collection. I start off all house cleaning sessions by dusting my CD shelves. I end up playing discs that I haven’t heard in years. The music spurs me on to complete the job energetically and (almost) enthusiastically. My cat doesn’t appreciate the process though. Me & him are on the outs for a day or so after a vigorous cleaning session. I think he’s sensitive to the pine sol.

  • Suzanne says:

    How do I clean? Mostly, I don’t! Then when it becomes absolutely necessary, I spend one whole sad day getting it done. Still not a grown-up :)

  • Carrie says:

    I clean every Thursday morning. I just jump out of bed & commit to the 2-3 hours of cleaning. By 9 or 10 am, I’m done for the week & by cleaning weekly, it seems to take less time, isn’t as overwhelming because the house stays tidier & things look fresh for weekend visitors. I usually listen to a podcast (Freakonomics is my favourite), an audiobook or music to burn through the tedium. It’s almost become an enjoyable weekly ritual & I hate cleaning too! Regardless, I would love a deep cleaning, hope I win!

  • Sarah Fung says:

    I have a Roomba vacuum haha I don’t like cleaning either :(

  • Lily says:

    I cry and whine a lot resulting in a lot of procrastinating…then a panicked clean if company is coming.

  • Siri says:

    I used to bribe my son to do the vacuuming, but since we purchased a “Roomba”, I now bribe him to start it. That leaves me free to do the laundry and him to watch the cat freaking out while the “Roomba” does it’s thing,

  • Andrea W. says:

    I don’t have a system. I start cleaning madly when my parents call me to let me know they’re coming over in 20 minutes.

  • Amanda says:

    My husband and I try to follow the “if it takes less than two minutes, do it now” philosophy, and we seem to avoid creating unreasonable messes!

  • anigee says:

    I usually clean after work/before my class at the gym because unless I’m rushing to get it done it won’t happen. I end up getting distracted by random books or bills I’ve stashed somewhere. 600 sqft is both quick-ish to clean and very fast to get dirty.

  • Sarah Mavro says:

    Right now I clean by grunting and lightly weeping while I maneuver my huge pregnant belly around. With new babe on the way having someone else clean would be AMAZINGGG

  • diana says:

    clean when i can where I can haha.

  • Wendy hutton says:

    I try to clean one room each day of the wk this way its easier for me

  • Natalia says:

    I try and clean before bed for 15 mins each night and focus on one thing (i.e., kitchen dishes, folding a load of laundry) so I don’t get overwhelmed when everything piles up

  • Lillian T says:

    I try my best to clean/ spot clean every day. Though, the bathrooms are always hard to keep up with!

  • I listen to a podcast or two while I clean. But with full time work and classes now I rarely have the time to do anything thorough! I try to keep on top of the bathroom though, because that can really get away from you if you aren’t consistent.

  • alison lewis says:

    I bribe my children. It works well. Ok…it works sometimes. Well maybe it just works a bit. Ya ya you’re right. It doesn’t work at all. ***sigh***

  • Chantelle says:

    Because my house is so small it gets messy really quickly so I try and do a little bit each day with one big clean once a week. Loud, upbeat music is a must to keep things moving along.

  • Jo says:

    I am a clean-as-you-go person but I haaaaaate cleaning with a passion. I would love for Mad Maids to come do a deep clean of my place!

  • Tamara Vineberg says:

    At least once a month I wash my floors on my hands and knees. I find that does a better job than mopping the floor. Typically, I do a spot clean of the house every week.

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  • When you hire another housemaid from a reputable maid agency in Singapore, you can kindly and as soon as possible write down all of your requirements and requirements to the homegrown maid agency.

  • If you are too busy to clean or have more important things to do then I have professional cleaning services for you i.e Merit Cleaners. They follow a quality control checklist to ensure you get a great clean every time! They Will happily Customize a cleaning plan for your home to meet your specific needs.

  • Best Hostbnb says:

    Thanks Linda Hoang for this informative blog,

  • Aphaiyang says:

    What a fantastic giveaway! Mad Maids offers great cleaning services, and this opportunity is perfect for anyone needing a little extra help at home. Excited to see the winner announced soon!

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