Photo of the Day: Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Today’s Photo of the Day shows CTV Edmonton. I didn’t do a separate blog post about it (yet) but if you follow me on Twitter (and have seen previous Photo of the Days) you will know that I recently left Global to take on a job as web reporter with CTV!

My first day at CTV Edmonton!

Today was my first day and I had a great time. Everyone was really nice. I spent the first half of the day watching/learning how to use their content management system and then the second half of the day writing a few online articles:

Technically I am only officially the weekend web reporter, filling other duties and hours throughout the week (at least after I’m done web training) but I certainly see room for more web work to be had during weekdays so hopefully that happens eventually. :) Either way, I can’t wait for Day 2!


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