Today’s Photo of the Day is a Recipe of the Day! It’s the dinner Mike and I made tonight! Red bell peppers stuffed with beef, rice, cheese and tomato sauce.
Bell peppers stuffed with rice and beef!
We followed this recipe with some slight modifications:
For the sauce:
2 1/2 cups of tomato/pasta sauce
1 cup of beef brothFor the peppers:
2 pounds lean ground beef
2 cups cooked rice
1 cup grated cheese
4 bell peppers (red, yellow or oerange)
black pepper and seasoning as desired
teeny bit of olive/vegetable oilInstructions
Preheat oven to 375 F.Cook rice. Cook ground beef in a frying pan. Mix tomato sauce and beef broth together in a mixing bowl.
Add rice and ground beef into the bowl, mix well with seasoning and grated cheese. Save some sauce to drizzle into casserole dish and some cheese to put on top of the bell peppers.
Cut off the top of the bell peppers and remove the stem and seeds. Put a teeny bit of olive/vegetable oil in your hands and rub over the outsides of the peppers. Place peppers into greased casserole dish.
Spoon rice and ground beef mixture into the bell peppers. Top with cheese. Put left over rice and ground beef on the bottom of the casserole dish. Pour remaining sauce around/on top of bell peppers. Cover with foil and bake for 40 minutes. Uncover and bake for another 20 minutes.
Bon appétit!
It was delicious. :) We made this once before. We didn’t use tomato sauce and the rice ended up getting hard during the baking process and it ended up tasting a bit dry. This time around everything tasted great and it’s a very easy dish to make. Try it!