News: Parents appreciate EX’s sticker program

Published in the August 1st issue of The Edmonton Sun. News

Parents appreciate EX’s sticker program

Edmonton Sun

It’s one of parents’ worst nightmares – turning around and realizing their child has walked off somewhere, lost in the crowd.

It’s a scenario that could and has happened to many families attending Capital EX in past years but that number isn’t too high at this year’s fair.

“Luckily and thankfully there haven’t been a lot of lost kids (this year),” said Randy Kilburn, spokesman for Northlands.

If a child does get separated from their parents or grandparents, Capital EX’s Safe Parent House program is there to help, Kilburn said.

Stickers are placed on almost every child entering the grounds with Safe Parent House contact information as well as a parent’s contact information.

Melissa Bryce, who was entering the grounds Saturday with her two kids, said she’s briefly lost son Kailer, 3, before and hopes it never happens again.

“It’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to me. I was running like a crazy lady onto the street,” Bryce said after writing her phone number on a Safe Parent House sticker and sticking it on Kailer’s back.

“This is great. I was just going to write our number on their arms but this is better.”

Kilburn said Northlands won’t have numbers on how many kids have gotten lost and are found through Safe Parent House at this year’s exhibition until at least Monday.

This is the 14th year the Edmonton Safe Parent Association has teamed up with Northlands for Safe Parent House at Capital EX, but Northlands has had similar lost kids programs in previous years.

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