Guide to Instagrammable Walls of Red Deer, Alberta

The Central Alberta City of Red Deer is the latest addition to my collection of Instagrammable Wall Guides

Finding Instagrammable Walls—mural walls, colourful walls, texture walls, really just any wall that photographs well—is one of my favourite ways to explore places I’m visiting. 

During a visit to Red Deer with Tourism Red Deer, I was excited to check out the city’s recent mural additions as part of its annual Meet the Street Mural Festival which started in 2021. 

Red Deer is located in the middle of Alberta, a 1.5 hour drive between the province’s two biggest cities Edmonton and Calgary, making it a popular and often necessary spot to drive through on your way south or north of the province.

But there’s a lot to experience right in Red Deer itself including its food + murals—which was the focus of my Feb 2023 sponsored visit with Tourism Red Deer. 

I am always keeping an eye out for Instagrammable Walls, especially to capture moments when I travel, so when Red Deer started its Meet the Street Mural Festival back in 2021 and started adding some really nice walls + murals + artwork to the city, I had been eager to pop down to catalogue a few. 

For context, my whole thing is that Instagrammable Walls don’t just have to be murals! Colourful buildings count too, and these make excellent Instagrammable Walls especially if you can find a stretch of uninterrupted wall tall and wide enough for you, though murals do comprise most Instagrammable Walls.

I certainly didn’t get to ALL the Instagrammable Walls in Red Deer, so if you come across more during your visit, be sure to share it on Instagram using #IGWallsofRedDeer or shoot me a message to add the wall to this guide, or check out the Meet the Street Mural Map!

And check out my other Red Deer blog posts!

See my other Instagrammable Wall Guides

Guide to Instagrammable Walls of Red Deer

Please note: whenever possible (where known), I provide artist name/credit for mural walls. I do my best to find artist information, but sometimes fail. If an artist is not credited to a wall and you know which artist created it, please let me know and I’ll update this post!
Use + share my Guide to Instagrammable Walls to Red Deer, Alberta!

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Last Updated: Feb 25 2023

LOCATION: 4927 48 St., Red Deer, AB

ARTIST: Chloe Marie Purcell (@simplythisnthat)

Tourism Red Deer - Explore Alberta - Central Alberta Red Deer County - Murals - Public Art - Instagrammable Walls of Red Deer
Wish you were here in Red Deer! by Chloe Marie Purcell.
Tourism Red Deer - Explore Alberta - Central Alberta Red Deer County - Murals - Public Art - Instagrammable Walls of Red Deer
With love from Red Deer, by Chloe Marie Purcell.

LOCATION: 4813 47 St., Red Deer, AB

ARTIST: Josh Creighton (@joshcr8onart)

Geometric shapes by Josh Creighton.
Tourism Red Deer - Explore Alberta - Central Alberta Red Deer County - Murals - Public Art - Instagrammable Walls of Red Deer
Love this wall by Josh Creighton.
A selfie angle!

LOCATION: 32 St. Pedestrian Tunnel 
(access from Kin Kanyon Park)

ARTIST: Jieun (June) Kim (@junekima.rt)

Love this bird underpass by Jieun (June) Kim.
This art brightens up this tunnel so much!
Tourism Red Deer - Explore Alberta - Central Alberta Red Deer County - Murals - Public Art - Instagrammable Walls of Red Deer June Kim Art Pedestrian Tunnel
Love the birds + squiggles!

LOCATION: Rupertsland Institute – Metis Centre of Excellence 4945 49 St.

ARTIST: sbu one

Find this wall at 4945 49 St. in Red Deer!

LOCATION: Delmar College (4931 49 St., Red Deer)

ARTIST: Moonlight Murals Collective 
(Ghazaleh Rastgar, Melika Saeeda and Yasaman Mehrsa)

The Moonlight Murals Collective wall is a must visit!
Tourism Red Deer - Explore Alberta - Central Alberta Red Deer County - Murals - Public Art - Instagrammable Walls of Red Deer - Moonlight Murals Collective
Love this wall by Moonlight Murals Collective.
Tourism Red Deer - Explore Alberta - Central Alberta Red Deer County - Murals - Public Art - Instagrammable Walls of Red Deer - Moonlight Murals Collective
Find this in the alleyway at Delmar College!
Lots of little gems at this wall.
Fishies! by Moonlight Murals Collective.

LOCATION: Red Deer Soup Kitchen (5014 49 St.)

ARTIST: Borrris (@studioborrris)

This food-themed wall is by Montreal-based Borrris.

LOCATION: The Game Shop (5121 50 Ave., Red Deer)

ARTIST: Michael Burt (Trackside Studios)

"Stampede" by Michael Burt (Trackside Studios).

LOCATION: Red Deer Eye Care Centre (4402 49 Ave.)

ARTIST: Slugger Studio

"Eye on the Ball" by Slugger Studio.

LOCATION: 5009 50 Ave., Red Deer

ARTIST: Caitlin McDonagh

Wall by Caitlin McDonagh.

LOCATION: Behind Sissons Furs (5013 Ross St., Red Deer)

ARTIST: Sarah Johnston

Tourism Red Deer - Explore Alberta - Central Alberta Red Deer County - Murals - Public Art - Instagrammable Walls of Red Deer - Sarah Johnston
Foxes by Sarah Johnston!
Instagrammable stairs and wall!

LOCATION: 4928 51 St. Red Deer

ARTIST: Sarah Slaughter

By Sarah Slaughter.
By Sarah Slaughter.

LOCATION: 4920 54 St., Red Deer

ARTIST: Kayla Bellerose (bb iskwew)

These panels by Kayla Bellerose (bb iskwew).
By Kayla Bellerose (bb iskwew).
By Kayla Bellerose (bb iskwew).

LOCATION: 4810 52 St., Red Deer

ARTIST: Nasarimba

This wall by Nasarimba!

LOCATION: 5104 48 Ave.

ARTIST: Bareket Kezwer

This wall is by Bareket Kezwer.

LOCATION: 4929 and 4925 50 St.

ARTIST: Anya Mielniczek and Jessica Semenoff

(@anyamielniczek and @jessicasartportfolio)
Walls by Anya Mielniczek and Jessica Semenoff.

LOCATION: A-Associated Chiropractic (5415 49 Ave., Red Deer)

ARTIST: Sarah Johnston

A-Associated Chiropractic (5415 49 Ave., Red Deer)

So that’s just a FEW of the Instagrammable Walls I was able to get to during my Red Deer visit!

As mentioned, I didn’t get to ALL the Instagrammable Walls in Red Deer, so if you come across more during your visit, be sure to share it on Instagram using #IGWallsofRedDeer or shoot me a message to add the wall to this guide, or check out the Meet the Street Mural Map!

And check out my other Red Deer blog posts!

See my other Instagrammable Wall Guides

Use + share my Guide to Instagrammable Walls to Red Deer, Alberta!


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