Saving Mr Banks opens everywhere Dec. 20. I’m giving away tickets to the advanced screening Dec. 5!
Great news everyone! I’ve been given 10 double guest passes to give away for the advanced screening of Disney’s new movie Saving Mr. Banks!
The screening is on Thursday, Dec. 5 at 7 p.m. at Cineplex Windermere.
Movie synopsis: When Walt Disney’s daughters begged him to make a movie of their favorite book, P.L. Travers’ “Mary Poppins,” he made them a promise—one that he didn’t realize would take 20 years to keep. In his quest to obtain the rights, Walt comes up against a curmudgeonly, uncompromising writer who has absolutely no intention of letting her beloved magical nanny get mauled by the Hollywood machine. But, as the books stop selling and money grows short, Travers reluctantly agrees to go to Los Angeles to hear Disney’s plans for the adaptation. For those two short weeks in 1961, Walt Disney pulls out all the stops. Armed with imaginative storyboards and chirpy songs from the talented Sherman brothers, Walt launches an all-out onslaught on P.L. Travers, but the prickly author doesn’t budge. He soon begins to watch helplessly as Travers becomes increasingly immovable and the rights begin to move further away from his grasp. It is only when he reaches into his own childhood that Walt discovers the truth about the ghosts that haunt her, and together they set Mary Poppins free to ultimately make one of the most endearing films in cinematic history.
How to win your way into the advanced screening of Disney’s Mr. Banks!
Thursday, Dec. 5, 2013
7 p.m.
Cineplex Odeon Windermere
6151 Currents Drive
* note: Arrive early. Seating is first come, first served. The ticket does not guarantee you a seat.
Leave a comment below telling me what your favourite Disney movie is!
You must include your name and email address so I know how to contact you! Also include your Twitter account if you have one. I will randomly choose winners based on those who have left comments.
You can also get your name entered into the mix a second time (this is highly recommended) by tweeting out this sentence:
I’ve entered @lindork’s blog giveaway for tickets to the adv. screening of @Disney’s Saving Mr. Banks! #yeg
(This only gets you an additional entry IF you have left a comment answering the above question. You must comment to qualify! Note: Comments need to be moderated unless you’ve left a comment before. If you don’t see your comment show up right away, don’t fret!)
The contest will close on Monday, December 2 at 4 p.m.
You will need to be able to pick up the tickets at my day job office (NAIT) Tues, Wed, or Thurs (Dec. 3-5) between the hours of 8-4:30 p.m.
Good luck! :)
** UPDATE **
Congratulations to Steph, Peggy, Alan, Heather, Matthew, Gloria, Kassie, Michelle, Sarah and Tammy for winning these tickets!! Thanks to all who entered.
I definitely think Cinderella or Mary Poppins are my favourite Disney movies. I was so lucky to go to Walt Disney World for our honeymoon and meet both of them :)
My fav has to be Beauty and the Beast. The music is my favorite part :)
That Damn Cat! of course…
The Little Mermaid
Does Star Wars count? I think it does!
Disney’s rendition of The Music Man (starring Matthew Broderick). It was a straight to tv movie but oh my is it ever an awesome musical!!!
The Lion King is the GREATEST of all Disney films.
Nothing beats The Lion King for me. Followed by Beauty and the Beast.
Mulan is definitely one of my favourites as it has a strong female lead; also you can never go wrong with Pixar movies such as the Toy Story ones!
I’m a huge fan of the original Bambi. It talks about growing up, dealing with fear, enjoying play, becoming an adult, and even decades ago speaks to saving forest environments.
One surprise to many who haven’t seen the old film: young Bambi is a “he”. In the movie’s finale, grows up to be the ‘Great Stag of The Forest’.
The animation is amazing, with classic craftsmanship and artwork. The music is wonderful as well:
A true gem.
Bambi! First movie I remember seeing with both my parents in a theatre (they were concerned about the death scene). Loved it then and when Bambi was re-released to theatres made Hubby#1 and my Dad take me! They both loved it but while walking out of the theatre they pretended we had watched a Rambo movie! Favourite line: You can call me Flower, giggle! Favourite lesson: If you do not have anything nice to say, say nothing at all!
Ratatouille has a certain je ne sais quoi to it!
My favourite Disney movie is Finding Nemo. As a dad it’s a great message to do whatever it takes for my kids.
I’m going the old school route: apple dumpling gang. Classic.
My fave Disney movie is Mary Poppins. Really- Julie Andrews is my girl crush.
BTW I live a healthy life by getting outside as much as possible and eating lots of veggies.
Beauty and the Beast all the way! The visuals in the opening sequence were so rich to 7-year-old me. :)
Alice in Wonderland
Finding Nemo @Hill_Killer
Fantasia. @hih1965
The Little Mermaid for sure! I saw it 3 times in theatre and had all the merch!
My twitter is @exohglo :)
Beauty and the Beast.
Beauty and the beast for me. It’s such a magical movie for me growing up!
Emperor’s New Groove. Llama llama llama! Love that one, also The Incredibles, such an awesome movie.
The Little Mermaid. @itsrllyeefa