The Blog Group has expanded!
What started as a few people on Twitter attempting to help each other blog a bit more has grown into… well the same thing basically but with more people, lol.
Now @TamaraStecyk, @Joanna_Farley, @JenBanksYEG, @Sirthinks @livingsanctuary, @Jasmine09 and I, are all participating in the “blog-about-one-topic-once-a-month” blogging group.
This month’s topic is:
The person who has made the most positive impact on me.
I’m cheating by expanding the singular person to two people: My parents.
My parents are two of the hardest working people who have ever existed.
They typically work 16 hour days and they’ve been working those kinds of hours for most of my life (I’m 21).
Despite rarely seeing them and rarely spending time with them growing up on account of their crazy work hours, they’ve left a lasting and very positive impact on my life.
They have always just wanted me to be happy. Case in point – the stereotypical Asian parent wants and makes their child go to University, become a doctor, become a pharmacist, become something that will bring in tons of cash and comes with a respectable title even if the child doesn’t have any interest in being in that profession. My parents – told me to do what I want to do, do what would make me happy. I certainly had the grades and the drive to go to University but it wasn’t offering anything I wanted to do. I wanted to write, I wanted to do journalism, I wanted to shoot and edit video and be on camera. It was unconventional, it doesn’t promise money like a doctor or a pharmacist gig would, but they were fine with that because it’s what I wanted and it’s what I was interested in. Follow your heart, follow your dreams, do what you want to do and what you’re interested in. Those are values I learned because of them.
They also taught me to be nice and be respectful to everyone, even when they aren’t nice or respectful back to me. Don’t stoop to their level. Be positive when everyone is negative and always strive to do your best, even when others around you are being lazy or trying to bring you down.
Those are just a few qualities my parents have passed along to me (at least that I try to achieve each day). But they are constantly teaching me new things and they continually amaze me every day.
As I said, they are the hardest working people I know and it blows my mind the work they do and have done to support our family. Sometimes I get very sad when I think back on my childhood because growing up I never realized the tough situations they were faced with and the hard decisions they had to make. And I think I didn’t realize that because they did such a good job of being great parents and great people.
I love them and I thank them for everything they’ve given me, everything they’ve taught me and everything they’ve done for me.
Thanks mama and papa, I love you. You both have made the biggest and most positive impact on my life that I will always cherish and always remember.
Linda :)