20 Things to do in Edmonton for Valentine’s Day (2015)

Credit: City of Edmonton Photo Gallery

Credit: City of Edmonton Photo Gallery

I love Valentine’s Day! Yes, yes, sometimes the commercialism is a bit much – it’s crazy that the pink hearts and candy come out almost immediately after Christmas, all that societal pressure of finding someone to spend it with that can be stupid, and it’s silly to think that you should only celebrate your special someone on this one day a year, but I’ve always been a romantic and I’ve always liked this time of year (even before I met Mike!) Nowadays more than anything, I just like finding different ways to spend time with my hubby and Valentine’s Day is just another ‘event day’ where we can do that.

I know we’re not alone in that thinking, so I’ve put together some ideas of what you can do for Valentine’s Day in Edmonton! (You can do a lot of these year-round, with anyone, or a group of friends too!)

20 Things to do in Edmonton for Valentine’s Day

I hope everyone has a fantastic Valentine’s Day!


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