SUMMARY: what i learned this week, Aug 11-15

Things I learned this week…

1. I really want to do entertainment reporting, anchoring, interviewing.

2. I might need to tone down my laugh in case it’s too loud and obnoxious.

3. If someone won’t return my calls, how am I supposed to show their side of the story? Sheesh.

4. My days aren’t boring anymore, I’ve learned to fill my time pretty productively.

5. Having a good conversation with co-workers helps the office atmosphere.

6. My editor really is too nice to have let me go on a second vacation this summer.

7. I enjoy interviews about arts and entertainment more than those related to news.

8. I still need to reduce my ‘Um’s’ before going into the next question.

9. I did a good job at remembering questions and coming up with related questions on the spot this week for my entertainment interview but I still need to work on smoother question transitions.

10. I say ‘Great’ and ‘Let’s see’ between questions too much, need to work on that.

More next week…

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