NAIT NewsWatch – Live Reporter – Distracted Driving Package

NAIT NewsWatch – Live Reporter – Distracted Driving Package!

My first position for NAIT NewsWatch this semester was Shooter/Editor.

I was in charge of:

– Editing Headlines (Opener)
– Editing Bumpers (two of them)
– Shooting and editing the Live Reporter’s news package
– Shooting and editing a “Student Body” health/fitness package

This was the Distracted Driving package I worked on that week!

I shot and edited the piece while my classmate/friend and the Live Reporter of the week, Nicole de Champlain, voiced & wrote it.


It was a lot of fun working on this story, especially as Nicole and I have worked together in many class assignments before so there wasn’t any problems (not that there would be any problems with anyone else but this was just extra comfortable!) The original piece was longer and included longer voiceovers but there was a time limit that we had to cut it down to to fit the show unfortunately so we learned that week that cutting down stories is hard! Especially when we become so familiar with the story and the quotes that we thought it flowed so smoothly and nothing could be cut! But we did cut things and in the end it did end up flowing just as much :-) My instructors really liked the shots, how it was edited, and said I had good framing on interview subjects, but I was told I had one jump cut and that it could have had people stay on screen for longer during interviews and also have longer BROLL-cover. The jump cut I will agree with (near the beginning), but I defended the short time people stayed on screen and the short amount of broll/cover because we had to cut so much out to make it fit into the final show! There are probably other slight things that could have been tweaked but for the most part I am pleased and I am looking forward to putting together more packages!!!

Anyway, great first week of duties!! Hope you enjoy.

(Note: I am in “Team B” for NAIT NewsWatch. Team A & B have “on/off” alternating weeks. On our own week we have positions as either Live Reporter, Aslive Reporter, Anchor, Sports Reporter, Entertainment Reporter, Shooter/Editor or Producer. On our off week we do behind-the-scenes work including Switcher, Fonts/Clips Playback, Production Assistant, In-Studio Camera Operator, Floor Director, etc.)


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