Recap: First Snowboard Session of 2011!

I don’t snowboard very often. In 2010 I only did it once and prior to that it had been around 7 years since I hit the snow. So it was a pretty big deal when I went to snowboard for the very first time this year! Allie, my friend from California, has been staying with Mike & I for the past week and we’ve been taking her around the city and to do wintry activities (including a hockey game, snowboarding, etc!) Along with friends Jen and Ryan, the five of us headed to Rabbit Hill Snow Resort on Sunday! Originally we had planned to go the Wednesday before but the weather was -30 C that day so we opted for Sunday’s beautiful -4 C weather instead!

It seemed like everyone had the same idea as us that day because it was super busy! As I said, the weather was great. The sun was shining and it wasn’t cold at all. Mike, Ryan, Jen and I were snowboarding that day and Allie chose to ski.

Jen parted with us for a bit to have a private snowboard lesson (that didn’t really teach her anything she didn’t already know because she’s gone snowboarding before, lol). While she was doing that we took to the slopes. We used the lift, T Bar and tow ropes to get up to our destinations. I fail at using all of those things really. Getting onto them/going up the slope is fine but it’s getting off where I completely topple over. Luckily I had Mike to help steady me. :)

I’m not an expert snowboarder in any way. I still can’t carve. What I do is apparently called “pendulum snowboarding” – and I’m really good at going quickly down the hills with that method! It is just really exhausting on my legs and obviously isn’t as professional as being able to carve. But it’s still fun to do and I think eventually I’ll learn to carve it’s just not at the top of my priority list.

The above photo is just a cool random artwork wall thing at the top of one of the hills.

Anyway overall snowboarding was super fun but a very expensive outing. We were lucky because we had “2 for 1” lift pass tickets. Mike and Ryan all had their own gear so they didn’t have to rent so it wasn’t too costly for them, and I had a snowboard because Mike’s sister gave her old one so I only had to rent a helmet and boots which wasn’t too too bad, but Allie and Jen had to rent all of their gear along with lift tickets. It’s definitely not an activity people should be doing regularly if they don’t own the equipment.

Hopefully we can go more in the coming weeks/months. Plus, snow tends to stick around for awhile around here so I feel we should be able to squeeze in some more boarding days!

Linda :)

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